People, politics and opinions

San Diego was the first city to have a Harvey Milk Street, then Salt Lake City followed. Now Portland may be the third city as political trailblazer Terry Bean is heading up this city’s campaign and he tells me that already 75 percent of the current street businesses have agreed to the name change.

Ric Grenell whose nomination to be our next ambassador to Germany may go before the U.S. Senate this week sadly tells me that some radical left-wing Democrats are attacking him because he is a gay Republican. Never mind that Grenell is one of the most qualified nominees ever to be up for an ambassadorship, sometimes lefty Democrats can be as nasty and negative as right-wing Republicans.

Yes, I have proudly endorsed Summer Stephan for District Attorney and Myrtle Cole for City Council (District 4).

Hey Kevin Beiser, we all agree you should 86 that mini yard sign you are always wearing on your shirt!

If Dr. Jen wins a seat on the City Council next year, she will make it three councilmembers from the LGBT community. And are there now three gay young men looking to be future city council candidates: Will Rodriguez Kennedy, Nick Serrano and people are telling me they would like to see popular Tyler Renner consider a run for office.

Bravo and thank you to our awesome City Attorney Mara Elliott for pushing and supporting San Diego to support a Colorado gay rights case soon to appear before the Supreme Court.

Mayor Jim Wood of Oceanside is on medical leave since suffering a stroke; this is a public servant of over 40 years. I to this day cherish the medal he gave me.

Yes! Finally we are giving our police a long overdue and earned raise. I urge your support!

Former Sen. Mark Leno tells me support for him to become San Francisco’s first gay mayor is receiving city-wide support and look for an upcoming fundraiser for his mayoral campaign. On the subject of mayoral campaigns, congratulations to our own Todd Gloria who for the seventh year in a row was voted “Elected Official of the Year” by readers of City Beat.

Let’s hear it for Councilwoman Lorie Zapf, who was the only Republican to vote in support of San Diego backing the Colorado gay rights case!

Yes I have endorsed Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom. You may remember that Bruce Abrams and I hosted two fundraisers for Newsom when he was running for mayor. As a Latino and gay man, our communities have never had such a strong committed advocate. As a past state president of Equality California I can tell you that every president of Equality California has endorsed Gavin!

The recent shooting and murder of a good friend, Larry Macey in Tijuana makes him the 1,402 homicide in this border city. Please, please be very careful visiting Tijuana, especially in the evening.

Stonewall 50 – New York 2019

In June 2019, millions of LGBT people from around the world will be travelling to New York City to celebrate the beginning of the gay rights movement: Stonewall 50! As many of you know, I was elected and served as a national co-chair of Stonewall 25 and I am very proud to say that I am chairing two historic events for Stonewall 50. An official announcement is coming soon!

Mr. Gay San Diego contestants wanted: Nov. 5

Contestants are being sought for the annual Mr. Gay San Diego Contest to be held at the Brass Rail Sunday, Nov. 5 at 6 p.m. This gay man’s contest was established in 1975 and is one of the oldest on the West Coast. Mr. Gay San Diego will win $300 in cash and over $500 in prizes. The runner-up will win $100. For more information please call: 619-807-7324 or 619-817-9926. See you at the Brass Rail Nov. 5!

Voting Party for Nicky Awards: Nov. 19

The only public voting party for the Nicky Awards will be held Sunday, Nov. 19 at The Center from 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. Online voting is going on now at Over 4,000 have already voted. The 42nd annual Nicky Awards will be held Sunday, Dec. 3 at the Courtyard Liberty Station at 6 p.m. For more information, please call: 619-807-7324 or 619-858-2732.

One thought on “People, politics and opinions

  1. Not a left democratic. Centrist pro business Hillary supporter. I cannot understand gay Republicans I’m sorry. It’s like saying “I know you’re poison and hate me but I’ll still be tour bestie.”

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