Trump makes ‘Muslim ban’ permanent

WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Trump effectively made his infamous “Muslim ban” permanent Sunday when he announced a new travel ban which takes effect Oct. 18 and will apply indefinitely. The new measure bans entry by most citizens of Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Chad and North Korea. It also imposes restrictions on a small number of of citizens of Iraq and Venezuela. Sudan has been dropped off the list. Chad, Venezuela and North Korea are new entries.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the National Iranian American Council, decrying the open-ended nature of the directive, said the administration “has now taken steps to make its Muslim ban … permanent.” The new measure, it said in a statement, was “nothing but an extension of the same discriminatory policy first rolled out in January.”

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) condemned the travel ban calling the president’s actions “xenophobic.” “Donald Trump’s travel ban poses a serious threat to individuals trying to get to the United States in order to claim asylum — including LGBTQ Muslims and immigrants seeking to escape violence and persecution,” said JoDee Winterhof, HRC Senior Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs. “Trump is recklessly putting lives in jeopardy by blocking them from reaching safety in the United States. HRC will continue to stand up against all forms of Islamophobia and call out the danger this travel ban creates for LGBTQ people abroad.”

One thought on “Trump makes ‘Muslim ban’ permanent

  1. Considering that Muslims consider homosexuality to be a sin punishable by death and women should remain covered at all times and not out alone, I find myself asking what kind of drugs the HRC is on?

    I think you people need to collectively get your act together and realize Muslims hate homosexuals worse than hard core Christians do.

    Liz W.

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