Once again transgender Police Officer Christine Garcia has been subjected to hate, disrespect, insults and attacks by some militant radical members of our very own LGBT community.
As many of you remember, Officer Garcia was barred from attending the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance because she was wearing her police uniform. Now for the recent ugly incident.
Earlier this year Officer Garcia got a phone call from Tracie O’Brien, the founder and chair of the annual Transgender Day of Empowerment. Officer Garcia was informed that she was going to be honored and recognized with an award at the April 14 event. Officer Garcia humbly accepted and was very touched by this well-deserved recognition. Officer Garcia is the first out transgender officer in the San Diego Police Department with the full support of Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman. Officer Garcia is married, has children and is a role model of an outstanding San Diego citizen and police officer.
Well a few weeks ago Officer Garcia received a phone call and was told that they would not be honoring her after all, and yes, rescinded her award. Why? She was told that the same small group of radical transgender activists who demanded that she not wear her uniform now stated that they would disrupt the upcoming event if Officer Garcia was recognized. One even threatened to “shut the event down.” These individuals numbering about three to five transgender activists absolutely hate all police officers and departments, period. Tracie and her committee being afraid of an ugly incident caved into the bullies and withdrew Officer Garcia’s award.
Then some other community activists were informed of this insult including me, and we raised hell and let Tracie O’Brien and her committee know that this was not only unacceptable, but there would be a counter demonstration in support of Officer Garcia. This past week Officer Garcia was informed that they would indeed honor her this Friday night and I am glad that she will be in attendance proudly wearing her police officer uniform.
While it is good that the Transgender Day of Empowerment organizers have changed their minds, my question is why the San Diego transgender community has let these few radical transgender activists cause so much dissent and division?
A short while ago there was a Black Lives Matter event held at the rainbow flag in Hillcrest, supported by these radicals. Many non-black transgender San Diegans told me that they felt left out and hurt. To me, the suicide of four San Diego transgender teens who were not African American and all transgender lives matter, period. I have spoken with many transgender leaders who tell me that these radical transgender activists are indeed causing division and bullying their fellow transgender sisters and brothers.
Recently there was a Project Trans Career Fair at The LGBT Center and Police Chief Zimmerman made sure that there was a San Diego Police Department booth there to recruit transgender police officers.
It’s time that our LGBT community stand up and face down these radical transgender activists. Please attend this Friday’s Transgender Day of Empowerment at The Center at 6 p.m. and show your support for Police Officer Christine Garcia. Thank you.
I will be privileged to stand next to my friend Christine Garcia at tomorrow’s event.
Cops DO NOT belong in queer spaces. The “radical transgender activists” are right and you are absolutely wrong. The police are an institution of oppression and subjugation and NO queer organization should be allowing them into their spaces, let alone giving them a fucking award. Sylvia Rivera is spinning in her grave over this. But I’m not surprised someone who thinks Black Lives Matter is “divisive” would be a cop apologist. This article is an embarrassment.
Next time you need help, when you’ve been robbed, had your vehicle stolen, had your LGBT Center sprayed with hate speech, been assaulted in a domestic violence incident etc…why don’t you call those “radical transgender activists” for help…I’m sure they’ll be right there.
I’ve seen, first-hand, transgender people stop domestic violence incidents.
As for calling the cops after you’ve been robbed–yeah, they’re great at telling you you probably won’t get your stuff back. When seconds count, they’re hours away.
Emily, you are 100% toxic to the Trans community. Please see a therapist and get an anger management class before professing to know what’s best for our community.
Shut up Emily.
I don’t think you realize how many of those cops are LGBT themselves – like Christine. They absolutely belong in our spaces.
The term “queer” as applied to sexual orientation does not belong anywhere. It is offensive and derogatory among the LGBT baby-boomer generation and older, which many LGBT millennials are insensitive to, including the editors of Huffington Post’s ‘Q***r Voices’….Except for indigenous tribal societies and other modest-size voluntary communitarian societies, cops are necessary in larger, complex civilizations. “Good cops” are those that don’t enter the profession as an excuse to exercise authoritarian bully impulses and abuse of authority, and who place more emphasis on deterring and dealing with crimes with victims rather than enforcing victimless crime laws.
Deloroes Jacob’s is a bully to the LGBT community. She pretends to be all inclusive but she lies, She is not fair , she has her own agenda. She has REPLACED many lgbt employees at the center who were from the LGBT community or people of color, for straight white women. Who do not understand the needs of the community. She bullys The Transgender leaders in the community .She applauds those few extremist, that are not the majority. She is out of touch and needs a wake up call.
I am also a transgender LEO. To hear someone accuse a transgender LEO of that kind of hatred is absolutely stupid. I am sworn to protect my community and I treat everyone the same. With the respect that is due. I know what is in the heart of a true LEO and it is a desire to serve. I support Officer Garcia 100%.
I wish there were more like you and Christine in this world. We could accomplish so much more with open minds.
“Cops DO NOT belong in queer spaces. The “radical transgender activists” are right and you are absolutely wrong. The police are an institution of oppression and subjugation and NO queer organization should be allowing them into their spaces, let alone giving them a fucking award. Sylvia Rivera is spinning in her grave over this. But I’m not surprised someone who thinks Black Lives Matter is “divisive” would be a cop apologist. This article is an embarrassment.”
Shall we apply this to Muslim Queer persons, as well? If we are to make broad and sweeping generalizations about a single person based on SOME bad actors or ideology, why not those that believe in Islam?
The problem isn’t “some bad actors”, the problem is the entire system of policing. The function of police is to protect those with power and to attack and subjugate everyone else; queer and especially trans communities are hit particularly hard with this. The trans fighters who rioted at Stonewall understood this; it’s sad to see the commenters here buying so heavily into the assimilation narrative that they think cops are on their side.
I would like to state for the RECORD that you did not address the question if you would protest a Muslim queer person.
On this point, most Abrahamic religions are about power dynamics that subjugate queer and trans folks.
Just FYI.
As to policing, its an imperfect system. I cannot determine what you mean by your sloppy language. But it is the system we have until you can come up with a better one.
How about I buy you a first class ticket to Somalia so you can experience a world without police?
You are out of your mind Emily.
Then I suppose nobody and nothing can be redeemed? Really? I work with cops on calls every shift, and I have yet to see a single one be abusive. I have seen one ask another firefighter to stop being abusive to a trans patient, something that is totally normal in my profession.
So many of you have it all wrong.
First your protection is your responsibility, even the cops will tell you that.
Second who gives a crap if a TG person is a cop or not, there is no threat there, grow up those of you who think there is such a threat, you have been getting drunk on the leftist BLM Kool Aid.
For Christ’s sake some of you need to get out in the real world more often.
It is sad but true the TG community is the least accepting and most hateful under the rainbow. This is just 1 example, if you want another example of how unaccepting the TG community can be, just ask any one of the 50+ socially-conservative TS that live in San Diego.
We miss you Just Evelyn.
Have you tried not being socially conservative, which is harmful and wrong?
It is not harmful nor is it wrong.
All social conservatism means is you go along to get along.
People tend to overlook things like gender identity when you chose to work with them, in harmony instead of working against them.
Society changes in it’s own good time, if you push too much then resistance to change is encountered and change (the desired change you want) happens slower, and people get their feelings hurt. This doesn’t promote harmony and peaceful coexistence.
And one thing about dealing with the police, you are better off having them as your friends and allies than your enemies. Stand by your rights, but be polite about it.
Education and cooperation are always preferred over confrontation.
Thanks Liz. I did not publisize that I am socially conservative. I tried to hide it because of the backlash. The trans community is quick to judge and discriminate. I am watching from a distance.
It’s good to see you.
You gave a generation of people who needed to transition hope, support and a role model for parents, and support to those who transitioned, many you never met.
Thank You
Christine Garcia is currently the 1 person in SDPD you can call, even when she’s off-duty, if you have been a victim of a hate crime by her fellow officer(s), if you don’t trust her fellow officers to investigate a hate crime, no matter who committed it.
Shame on anyone who carries out on the threat to murder or maim her & take away anyone else’s lifeline.