About the primary elections

Nicole Murray Ramirez and Kamala Harris holding the “GLBT Voter Guide 2016”

All of the LGBT community’s eyes were on the District 3 council race to see if the community would continue to have a voice/representation on the San Diego City Council, and Chris Ward did not let us down by easily winning outright this past Tuesday, primary night. It was good to see our community solidly get behind Ward with almost 100 percent of LGBT leaders and activists endorsing and financially backing him. I wish his opponent, Anthony Bernal, the very best as I told him over two years ago, you’re a very nice guy, but it’s the wrong district.

To the surprise of no one, Mayor Kevin Faulconer’ s easy re-election proves that he continues to be one of our city’s most popular mayors. He has ruled out a run for governor, and among those being mentioned as possible mayoral candidates in 2020 are: Todd Gloria, Toni Atkins, Mark Kersey, Chris Cate and Brian Maienschein. Todd Gloria came out on top of his primary campaign for the State Assembly with a smashing 72 percent of the vote. Toni Atkins easily won her race and some are talking about a lieutenant governor race in 2020.

The race for city attorney will be one that all eyes will continue to be on. Robert Hickey came in first and is a good man. Unlike Jan Goldsmith, he understands the growing diversity of our city, and while Goldsmith had a very bad relationship with the LGBT community, Hickey told me he would consider establishing an LGBT Advisory Board to the city attorney. Many were surprised that Mara Elliott came in a strong second place, but she is a fighter and is expected to get the endorsements of the other three Democratic candidates.

In the 9th Council District, Ricardo Flores won the race, but will face Georgette Gomez in the November election. I endorsed Flores and believe he is the best candidate. While County Supervisor Dave Roberts came in first place, look for one of the most negative campaigns ever waged to be put up against him. His race must continue to be a priority for all of us. A losing mayoral candidate now is looking to run for yet another office. This time her eyes are on the 4th District Board of Supervisors seat, but the top two names being mentioned for that future race are Lorie Zapf and Nathan Fletcher.

History was made Tuesday night when transgender woman Regina Roberts was elected to the Republican Central Committee. Congratulations to her.

San Diegans voted overwhelmingly for a minimum wage increase (a big victory for Todd Gloria), and mark my words, this city is becoming more Democratic and progressive by the year.

Jacquie Atkinson badly lost her congressional race as I predicted, and many in our community are upset with this out lesbian for not embracing marriage equality. Scott Peters is on his way to an easy re-election come November as his opponent has come out against gay marriage in this socially progressive congressional district.

And yes, I have all my life supported Republican and Democratic candidates as I am a proud American first! I believe San Diego is the home of the best pro-LGBT Republican office holders in America, and yes my political heroes are Bill Clinton, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon and Howard Dean. I am supporting Hillary Clinton for president and Kamala Harris for the U.S. Senate.

3 thoughts on “About the primary elections

  1. Is it any surprise that Nicole is tooting her/his/it’s own horn? Not at all. That’s the only thing Nicole is good at. I must admit, even I was shocked to see that Nicole says that Nixon is her hero. The man went down in disgrace and disgraced not only himself, but his family, his country, and the GOP. Nice example there, Nicole.

    As for Faulconer, could you please tell me just one accomplishment the man has made since becoming mayor? Just one. He’s totally ineffective and I doubt anything will change. He’s had two year already and this city is in a bigger mess than it was before Filner. Just because he attends LGBT events and marches in the parade does not make him an effective mayor.

    Simply because Goldsmith won’t cower down you to and also attend GLBT events doesn’t make him a bad City Attorney. Why don’t you go after the real culprits like Dumanis and Zimmerman? Zimmerman flat out refuses to release any of the police body cams. Dumanis won’t intervene in that area either. So why do we pay for the cams and why are they shut off in many of the major controversial shootings and police actions? Well, I’ll be waiting since you know everything. Both of these women are lesbians which is no reason to endorse them when they’re ineffective.

    At least you’re not supporting Trump but the election hasn’t yet started. With your past flip-flopping on nearly every candidate you’ve endorsed in the past, it wouldn’t surprise me if you eventually endorsed Trump. Your remark that San Diego is become more progressive may be true, but it sure isn’t because of you. I’ve said it before and I’ll stick by it, you do not represent the gay community and certainly not the transgender community unless you count in your hypocritical self as being trans. You’re not trans. You’re a drag queen. There is a huge difference.

  2. I just have to say that if Barry Goldwater is one of your political heroes that you
    must be out of your fricking mind! I have lost all respect for any political opinions that you have.to offer on anyone. You can honestly say that you respect the man who ran on a platform to overturn the Civil Rights Act of 1964
    is worthy of respect???

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