Oregon bakery who refused to make gay couple a wedding cake pay fine

Melissa and Aaron Klein

The Oregon bakery that denied service to a same-sex couple have finally paid their fine.

After holding out for nearly six months the  co-owner of the Portland-area bakery Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Aaron Klein dropped off a check Monday for $136,927.07 which included accrued interest, reported the Associated Press. Klein also paid $7,000 earlier this month.

July 2, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries ordered the Kleins to pay $135,000 to  lesbian couple, Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer, for whom Aaron Klein refused to bake a wedding cake and then posted their home address online, reported the Willamette Week.

The fine however, is unlikely to cause too much concern with the Kleins as they have raked in more than $500,000 from online fundraising organized by the religious right.

2 thoughts on “Oregon bakery who refused to make gay couple a wedding cake pay fine

  1. This is utter tyranny and typical of the left that is talks about freedoms but is the first to take them away. Don’t disagree, hold your on beliefs or be a non-conformist. This is stuff occurs in places like N. Korea. Wake up people before you have no rights left!

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