Leading From the Rear: Carl DeMaio and the Republican Party

Message from the Publisher:

Carl DeMaio

I would have laughed out loud if it wasn’t so sad, Carl DeMaio issued a statement after the Supreme Court ruling that partially said the following “Opposition to marriage equality has cost the Republican Party supporters – particularly among the younger generation. This decision provides a reflection point for the Republican Party. With today’s decision now the law of the land, I encourage Republican leaders to move on and accept the Golden Rule of treating everyone with respect and dignity and standing for the simple notion that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law.” A beautiful statement that personifies leading from the rear.

The courage of DeMaio to chastise his party on the day that marriage equality becomes the law in this nation is not noteworthy. It would have been noteworthy had he taken that stand when he ran for City Council or Mayor but that is when DeMaio was politically hiding. Now that marriage equality is decided law, DeMaio wants to wag his finger at his party.  A politician to his core, DeMaio is simply trying to get something on the record for a future run for political office. DeMaio may think that he will be able to point to his “leadership” on this issue in the future but the real story will be that no one in his party listened.  Just look at the reactions of the Republican Party presidential contenders to the marriage equality ruling. Hey DeMaio, based upon your party leadership reactions, you either have no power or influence, or worse, your party has true homophobes in leadership with few notable exceptions. Warning, you’ll be pissed if you read all the way to the end. Remember to take that anger to the polling place.

Jeb Bush | Photo: Gage Skidmore

“I believe that the court should have left the matter to the states but that Americans should also ‘respect’ each other while also protecting religious freedom. In a country as diverse as ours, good people who have opposing views should be able to live side by side. It is now crucial that as a country we protect religious freedom and the right of conscience and also not discriminate.” Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush

“Once again the Bush appointed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has let us down. Jeb pushed him hard! Remember!” Billionaire Donald Trump

“As a result of this decision, the only alternative left for the American people is to support an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to reaffirm the ability of the states to continue to define marriage.” Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

“The last 24 hours at the United States Supreme Court were among the darkest hours of our nation.” Texas Senator Ted Cruz

“Today, five unelected judges redefined the foundational unit of society. Now is the people’s opportunity to respond because the future of the institution of marriage is too important to not have a public debate. The Court is one of three co-equal branches of government and, just as they have in cases from Dred Scott to Plessy, the Court has an imperfect track record.” Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum

“In my view you can put (marriage inequality) in the platform, but it will, in my view, hurt us in 2016, because it’s a process that’s not going to bear fruit of those who believe that opposing same-sex marriage is part of their faith. So no, I would not engage in the constitutional amendment process as a party going into 2016.” South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham

“This is something that should be decided by the people, not by, as (Roberts) called it, five lawyers. That said, those five lawyers get to impose it under our system.” New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

“I am disappointed the Supreme Court today chose to change the centuries old definition of marriage as between one man and one woman. I’m a firm believer in traditional marriage, and I also believe the 10th Amendment leaves it to each state to decide this issue. I fundamentally disagree with the court rewriting the law and assaulting the 10th Amendment. Our founding fathers did not intend for the judicial branch to legislate from the bench, and as president, I would appoint strict Constitutional conservatives who will apply the law as written.” Texas Gov. Rick Perry

Carly Fiorina

“This is only the latest example of an activist Court ignoring its constitutional duty to say what the law is and not what the law should be.” Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina

“While I strongly disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision, their ruling is now the law of the land.” Neurosurgeon Ben Carson

“This decision short-circuits the political process that has been underway on the state level for years. While I disagree with this decision, we live in a republic and must abide by the law. As we look ahead, it must be a priority of the next president to nominate judges and justices committed to applying the Constitution as written and originally understood.” Florida Sen. Marco Rubio

“I will not acquiesce to an imperial court any more than our Founders acquiesced to an imperial British monarch. We must resist and reject judicial tyranny, not retreat.” Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee

Bobby Jindal

“The decision will pave the way for an all-out assault against the religious freedom rights of Christians who disagree with this decision. The Supreme Court decision today conveniently and not surprisingly follows public opinion polls, and tramples on states’ rights that were once protected by the 10th Amendment of the Constitution. Marriage between a man and a woman was established by God, and no earthly court can alter that.” Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal

If you were able to make it to the end of this story, congratulations. I would have closed it in disgust. Elections do matter and what a party stands for also matters. Please ask your LGBT friends to explain why they would vote for any of these Republican presidential contenders based upon their response to marriage equality. I am sure you will be enlightened. (Tongue firmly in cheek.)



11 thoughts on “Leading From the Rear: Carl DeMaio and the Republican Party

  1. make that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,THEY’RE HERE ! ! ! ! ( EDITOR : you need some way to edit comments I’m also happy to see you are finally getting angry about things. It’s going to get worse nationally & locally .) Peace…………………….Dominic 🙂

  2. Mr. Corbin,
    You are a complete idiot. Was it not enough to destroy Carl by promoting lies during the election? Are you still obsessed with him? What do you gain? Even when the truth came out you hid like a coward. How can you say you support the LGBT community when every chance you have you try to destroy a man who was open and honest about being gay. Carl has always put public service above all. He sacrifled years of his life to serve. It was not about power or a title. He spoke his truth even when within his party it was not popular. It’s time you grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

    1. Clearly, you are misinformed. Here is the article we ran concerning the DeMaio staffer recant and guilty plea http://lgbtweekly.jeffjungblut.com/2015/06/13/former-demaio-campaign-aide-pleads-guilty/. Mr. DeMaio was not honest and open about being gay until he lost the mayoral election, I am sorry you cannot accept the truth. LGBT Weekly reports and investigates. If the FBI believed Bosnich, why is LGBT Weekly held to a different standard? Bosnich created false emails and went on national broadcast television with his accusations. We reported. Bosnich recanted, we reported. Not hard to understand.

  3. Not misinformed. As his sister, I was at his side during the city council,mayoral,and congressional race. From the very begining people knew he was gay. But does being gay define every part of an individual? Carl never ran as a gay candidate but as a person who cared for all San Diegans. As far as the FBI believing the fabricated story, you are misinformed. A real journalist would have truth tested the story. Read the report they knew bosnich broke into the office and then handed over stolen material From the break in and gave it to Peters. Peters kept the information and lied about it until Carl confronted him during a debate. This information was released after the election. Just take a deep look I side. You dont have to agree with Carl’s beliefs but you should not make it your life’s work to destroy someone’s character. Have you not learned froM the hate that has been dire Ted towards

  4. Have you not learned from the hate that has been directed towards the LBGT community. You were judged just for being gay.Should we stand by and allow the gay baiting that Carl endured?

  5. Thank you for your perceptive comments. I am delighted that Carl DeMaio has suddenly found a teensy bit of courage. I watched with disgust as he shamelessly pandered to homophobes like Doug Manchester and Mitt Romney when he was running for mayor.

    Too little, too late, who cares?

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