Mormon Moms: We love our LGBT children

Mama Dragons, that’s what a certain group of Mormon mothers, who support  LGBT children and families, call themselves. Frustrated with the lack of resources to help families with LGBT children, a group of Mormon mothers started a private Facebook page for those who support LGBT Mormons. Mama Dragons was born.

There are almost 250 Mama Dragons who speak positively about the LGBT community in an effort to help other Mormons deal with the issue in their own family.  Whether it is opening their homes to children shunned by parents, supporting others whose LGBT children have committed suicide, or simply challenging their faith’s emphasis on “traditional” marriage, these Mama Dragons are helping to effect positive change within their Mormon faith, according to the Salt Lake Tribune.

Bravo to the Mama Dragons who are providing a safe place for LGBT people and their families within the Mormon Church!

5 thoughts on “Mormon Moms: We love our LGBT children

  1. We all must love those with same sex attraction. We should not disparage them because of their sexual feelings. As a believing, active Mormon I know that Our Heavenly Father would be displeased is we mistreated others in any way.

    For reasons I do not totally understand, though, God disapproves of acting on same-sex attraction. We all have equal access and the same right to find out what God would have us do in this matter.

  2. These parents should not raise their LGB children in a dangerous environment like Mormonism at all.

    While it’s laudable that they’re trying to protect their children from homophobic church leaders, it would be much better for their kids to simply leave the LDS Church all together.

  3. Many imperfections occur in the birth of many children. We need not feel God has been bad because of our inherent imperfections in the chromosomes we have received as our dowry. We need to love all of those with imperfections., but not condone bad behavior because of those imperfections.

  4. John Josephson wrote: “We need to love all of those with imperfections, but not condone bad behavior because of those imperfections.”

    A large body of scientific research is making clear that belief in superstitious things like gods, angels, and holy oil is rooted in biology. We need to love those who are possessed of this biological predilection toward superstition. It’s not their fault they are born that way. But we must never condone their bad behavior when they try to use the government to force their superstitions on the rest of society, or tell our children they are deformed by “bad” chromosomes.

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