Unite for Marriage launches in advance of SCOTUS oral arguments

Thursday eight organizations came together under Unite for Marriage, a partnership working together to show support for marriage for same-sex couples as the question stands before the U.S. Supreme Court. Participating organizations include Marriage Equality USA, Freedom to Marry, Human Rights Campaign, Family Equality Council, GLAAD, National LGBTQ Task Force, GetEQUAL and the Campaign for Southern Equality.

Unite for Marriage will work to elevate visibility of committed couples and their families in the media and to amplify the bipartisan support for marriage. Planned events include:

  • a gathering on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday, April 28, the day of oral arguments;
  • a multi-faith service for the freedom to marry on Sunday, April 26, at the National City Christian Church in Washington, DC;
  • supporting and coordinating over 100 local organizers, advocates and allies in communities across the country to hold activities on and around April 28 to show the deep and wide national support for marriage;
  • vigils and prayer services that include a moment of intention for the justices, the attorneys and plaintiffs in the cases, and same-sex couples, in collaboration with faith groups and places of worship during the National Weekend of Prayer April 24-26;
  • utilizing social media to engage with people across the nation about why the country is ready for marriage.

Polling shows that 63% of Americans support the freedom to marry, which extends to majority support in every region of the country. Additionally, the Williams Institute this week released a report that shows that in states with the freedom to marry, support grows much more rapidly than in states that continue to exclude same-sex couples from marriage. The report predicts that by 2016, more than half of the 50 states will show super-majority support of 60% or higher.

With the U.S. Supreme Court set to hear oral arguments in marriage cases on April 28, Unite for Marriage is working to make a strong case in the court of public opinion about why marriage matters and how marriage discrimination is harmful. For more information, visit http://www.uniteformarriage.org.

2 thoughts on “Unite for Marriage launches in advance of SCOTUS oral arguments

  1. We think that the US Supreme Court should have upheld both DOMA and Yes on Prop 8. Marriage should only be between a man and a woman. The majority of voters passed Yes on Prop 8. That is how we voted and that is how we still feel.

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