Conversations with a Republican mouthpiece …

How does that sound for a new title of Nicole Murray Ramirez’s column?

Nicole has finally jumped the shark. As many of you know, the term refers to a scene from the TV series Happy Days where the Fonz jumps over a shark while waterskiing. The phrase has come to mean the desperation of something or someone to gain attention as their relevance, in the case of Happy Days their ratings, is waning.

Nicole has been becoming more of a Republican mouthpiece as the November mid-term election approaches. Many in the LGBT community are reviled by much that Nicole says, and that is your right. Just as it is my right to allow Nicole a forum to express his views. Many of you think that my commitment to a free, open press means that I agree with Nicole. That is simply not true.

The most recent online column attacking David Alvarez, Susan Atkins and Scott Peters is beyond the pale. Hmm … all Democrats, what a surprise.

When you read a person’s commentary or column, it often reveals to you their perspective and motivation. What was the purpose of attacking David Alvarez? It simply advances Nicole’s agenda. He wants to curry favor with Todd Gloria who he anticipates may be the next mayor. After all he has “… served the last seven mayors of San Diego,” many who have had divergent political philosophies with respect to LGBT rights. That in itself tells you that Nicole is a “soldier of fortune,” he will work for anyone that will give him referential power. Simply said, he’ll support anybody who will appoint him to be dogcatcher. So if Nicole is the so-called Mayor of Hillcrest, why isn’t he listening to his constituents?

Mayor of Hillcrest, did you look at the election results in your district? Faulconer lost overwhelmingly to Alvarez. Aren’t you supposed to deliver your constituents to the polls? Clearly you failed.

Nicole has mistaken people reading his column with having political influence with the LGBT community. People read his column because it is provocative and often then do exactly the opposite of what he suggests. Keep talking Nicole, you are helping those you are trying to hurt. The Democrats thank you.

Both publicly and privately, I have expressed that I did not think David Alvarez was the correct selection by the Democratic Party, but in the end he made a respectable showing at the polls. Since no other Democrat stepped forward, David was the logical choice. At least he was willing to throw his hat in the ring.

Nicole, please provide us with the names of the people who tell you that David is bitter? Or are these so-called Democrats afraid to come forward; I would expect nothing less to be said by your Republican cohorts. Nicole’s accusation of “gay baiting” is simply unfounded. Someone needed to question why a qualified member of our community was being jettisoned for a Republican. Clearly, Nicole and Susan Jester didn’t bother to ask.

Nicole extolled the accomplishments of Mayor Faulconer with respect to the LGBT community; his appointments, his overwhelmingly Democratic Mayoral LGBT Advisory Board and oh my goodness, the historic Rainbow flag raising in the Gaslamp. Oh Mayor Faulconer’s courage, what leadership!

In 2014, it is not historic to raise a Rainbow flag in the Gaslamp, it is not courageous to have a Mayoral LGBT Advisory Board with Democratic members and it sure isn’t anything notable for a mayor to show up to events within the LGBT community. That thinking is so 1980 and so is Nicole.

Our community is beyond the photo op; we want real results and advocacy on all fronts. Where is the transgender representation on the Mayoral LGBT Advisory Board? I am glad that Mayor Faulconer is the co-chair of the Mayors for Marriage Equality; now let’s see how Faulconer leads and what he accomplishes on the marriage front. I hope the mayor understands our community is watching.

As for the so-called loud cheers for the mayor and his wife during the Pride parade, it was more like the polite respect that our community shows any sitting mayor. But we all know, Nicole has a tendency toward hyperbole.

As for Nicole’s attacks on Scott Peters, it is just more of the same Republican mouthpiece drivel. Carl DeMaio did not march in this year’s Pride parade because he was afraid he would get booed yet again. As for DeMaio’s year-long previous commitment in Los Angeles, I guess the importance of Pride to his community just slipped his mind. No matter, we are glad that our community’s vocal opposition to DeMaio last year has helped him on his LGBT political journey. Maybe DeMaio will have another epiphany and start caring about immigrants and other progressive issues. Come into the light and drag Nicole with you. At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words. DeMaio, you should have marched in the Pride parade; you know it, Nicole knows it and so does the LGBT community.

If the attack on Scott Peters was not enough, Nicole had to include activist Susan Atkins – calling her a liar. Then trying to justify that DeMaio is not a Tea Partier by saying he was attacked by members of his party for being a homosexual.You can be a Tea Partier and gay Nicole, they are not mutually exclusive as DeMaio surely illustrates. Nicole, tell your good friend to switch parties and I am sure he won’t be called a homosexual by his political Democratic opponents.

Nicole’s column was trying to bring relevance back to his voice with the community. He wants everyone to say, “Did you read what Nicole wrote”? Jumping the shark may get people to read his “conversations” but it sure doesn’t convert LGBT people to his way of thinking.

From a politician’s point of view, getting involved with Nicole is like swimming with sharks. You never know when you’re going to get bit. Just ask Susan Atkins, and for that matter DeMaio. Nicole had nothing positive to say about DeMaio just two short years ago, but he thinks Carl has a chance to be a congressman. Maybe he’ll appoint Nicole to chief LGBT puppet. Finally, a title Nicole absolutely deserves.



San Diego LGBT Weekly

Editors note: In an earlier version of this article Susan Atkins was mistakenly identified as Susan Davis. We apologize for the error.



8 thoughts on “Conversations with a Republican mouthpiece …

  1. I must agree. I think he thinks it’s a status thing to pronounce your gay conservatism He’s not a thought leader though, Nicole never has been. He’s the guy that reminds you of the old closet case you knew when you first came out who thought he was fab but was just tired. Fun for a while, and just a while. And being a gay conservative is the ultimate form of self-abuse.

  2. Thank you, Stampp. I think you’ve aptly expressed what many of us think and feel. The one thing you left out: my skin always crawls whenever Nicole mentions the GLBT community! Another indication of his being “so 1980”!

  3. No republican mouthpiece or republican anything can truly represent Hillcrest. And most if not all LGBTQ know about photo-ops and how many can misrepresent himself with photos. Not until you see a person’s true colors through his actions can you bestow honors on that person. Simply being able to write a column does not make one a mayor of anything. I don’t recall voting for Mayor of Hillcrest. Mini-me can go online with his John Holmes avatar but that doesn’t make his Dick-ness in real life any more appealing when the lamb’s clothing gets shed. Bring out the red ball gag.

  4. Thanks, Stampp, for considering changing the title of Nicole’s column to “Conversations with a Republican Mouthpiece” instead of from the “Mayor of Hillcrest”. I hope you do!!! It will definitely be closer to the truth.

    What was Councilman Todd Gloria thinking when he bestowed this honor on his old buddy Nicole? …and what did he get in return? Having Nicole continue to boast being our “mayor” is a detriment to Hillcrest. Too bad the councilman didn’t let residents pick their own mayor (if indeed we needed one).

    There are so many good people who do much to improve this community. But unfortunately for decades, Nicole has just stirred shit. As long as he continues to promote Carl DeMaio, Susan Jester, Kevin Faulconer, the Lincoln Club, and other GOPs while speaking poorly of good Democrats like David Alvarez and Scott Peters — he’s a Republican mouthpiece.

  5. What we need is to work together, stop focusing on party affiliation and instead focus on what is best for our community. Stampp, you are only enabling the failure of leaders in our community when instead we all should be communicating on LGBT priorities.

  6. Thank you Stampp for your rebuttal to Nicole’s column. I agree that Nicole has a right to say whatever she pleases – just as we have a right to ignore what she says. I stopped reading her column long ago and frankly I’m surprised anyone still does.

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