Charlatans in our community

We all know that the majority of the LGBT community supports a progressive agenda. It is kind of hard not to when in some cases your life and livelihood may literally depend upon it. But there are those in our community who are charlatans; people practicing a trick to obtain money, fame or other advantages like political power.

While LGBT people live in all of the major communities in San Diego, we all know the neighborhoods in which we are most prevalent; Hillcrest, North Park, University Heights, Adams North, Normal Heights, South Park and City Heights. The LGBT charlatans would have you believe that we are supportive of non-progressive candidates; simply not true.

Take a look at this map. Any district that is in light blue means in the last mayoral election Councilman David Alvarez got between 50 percent and 70 percent of the vote. Any district that is in dark blue, Alvarez got more than 70 percent of the vote. If it was up to the places where most LGBT people live and congregate, Councilman David Alvarez would be mayor today.

The 20 Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) would have trouble putting on an event, let alone delivering LGBT votes. LCR knows that they can barely identify enough LGBT Republicans to replace a light bulb. But the impression is LCR helped get LGBT votes for Mayor Faulconer. That is simply a trick which gets the LGBT charlatans of LCR political power; the Republican candidates fall for it each time.

As hard as this is for me to say, at least the LCRs have principles; they support Republican candidates regardless of whether they are supportive of LGBT equality throughout the nation. It is the other LGBT charlatans who really concern me. They support whichever candidate has the wind at their back. If Democrat Bob Filner advances their political goals and looks like he is going to win, LGBT charlatans support Filner. If it looks like Republican Kevin Faulconer is going to win the mayoral race, they support Faulconer. If the race is a toss-up, LGBT charlatans remain silent.

Watch when the Congressman Scott Peters and Carl DeMaio race heats up, the LGBT charlatans will remain silent or support DeMaio. The LGBT charlatans who support DeMaio are just trying to maintain or gain political power. The LGBT charlatans that remain silent don’t want to experience the wrath of the largely progressive LGBT community.

Poor Carl DeMaio is being attacked by the religious right of his party. In the case of the right wing of the Republican Party, when you lie down with dogs, they attack you. If I joined the John Birch Society or the Klu Klux Klan, I would not expect to be invited over for dinner. Carl, you chose to be part of a party that hates you and us, don’t expect the LGBT community to come to your rescue.

Why not simply support Peters? It does not advance the LGBT charlatans’ goals of political power although Peters’ record in Congress and political views are more in line with the majority of the LGBT community. If these charlatans are so called “leaders” of the LGBT community then why don’t they represent the views of the vast majority of the community? Because they are doing what charlatans do; they are trying to trick you for their own personal gain.

How do you go from supporting Bob Filner and his progressive policies to supporting Kevin Faulconer? It simply does not add up. Sure David Alvarez was not seasoned but the only reason LGBT charlatans supported Faulconer publicly was to raise their political capital with his office; like saving their political appointment, or to be appointed to his transition team. Disgusting.

Isn’t it time that we hold people to account for using our community for their personal political gain?

6 thoughts on “Charlatans in our community

  1. I tend to agree, though I don’t think every supporter of the mayor had that agenda. A lot of people tried to look at both candidates fairly, and Mr Falconer came across to them as moderate on social issues but fiscally conservative. As republicans go, he seems like the best of the bunch.
    From all accounts, Carl DeMaio seems to be a truly nice guy, but that’s not enough to get our community support. His partner is an unexplained anomaly… publisher of a community resource that does not even reflect their values, and only very selectively presenting any opposing viewpoints, apparently deleting the most informative if they don’t support his husband/candidate..
    If he and other Log Cabin republicans feel like they can/need to work within the republican party to increase awareness on liberal social issues… like that pesky equality thing,… then why they can’t find it in their hearts to work within the democratic party to both support equality and justice, and increase awareness in the Democratic party about their more conservtive fiscal agenda. Case in point, though the timing might have been bad,…Nathan Fletcher finally realized that he could no longer live with the republican agenda, …declared himself an independent, and later finally realized that his own values were more in line with those of the Democrats. The further he got away from the republicans, the more he realized how little he had in common with them. While it may have been too little, too late for the voters, had he made the switch earlier he would probably be our mayor now. There is no wrong time to do the right thing. I hope we see more of Nathan in the future.

    Re Mr DeMaio…unless he just wants/needs to be elected to something…anything…it shouldn’t be important that HE has to be the person that holds the office. Wouldn’t it be an option for him that he could support and back the electable candidates from the trenches that most closely reflect his values…

    I don’t understand his motivation…or do I? What am I missing?

  2. Thanks Stampp for the truth. I have always held people to account for using the community voice, it is sacred after all, that means stop talking shit.

  3. Bravo! I’m no chicken voting for colonel Sanders or Zacky farms. Love this honest and poignant view Stampp of our community and the deals and trades we make for prestige and not principles. Write on! Right on!

  4. It is seldom that the bare truth is spoken in this town, but this column is a breath of fresh air. Would that it called out by name the biggest Charlatan of them all whose column currently resides in your paper. The would be mayor of Hillcrest was indeed a leader during the nascent years of San Diego’s LGBT community. We were a humble group then, not at all like the more activist San Francisco to the north. In this town, simply being seen alongside people in power was favor enough. Over the years, Nicole has glommed onto any politician she thought would succeed, and that has made her bedfellows with a cadre of fake and fair weather friends. Roger Hedgecock, Susan Golding, Dick Murphy, Kevin Faulconer Carl DeMaio and most recently, Lori Zapf have all been beneficiaries of Nicole’s aid and comfort. Nicole is queen mother of the symbolic, lavishing herself in meaningless titles – city commissioner to name one. This town needs an enema, if for no other reason than to wash Nicole from our bowels.

  5. All that is Gay is not necessarily all Good.
    When will we as a political immature community wake up and stop this blind obedience to a candidate based on who they sleep with, or who they kiss ass with, and not their positions and the content of their character?

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