Linda Perine … stop using Harvey Milk’s name

Mayoral candidate Kevin Faulconer in Hillcrest at his LGBT press conference

Controversial San Diego personality, Linda Perine, has now written numerous commentaries, letters to the editor, blog postings, etc. The seemingly obsessive Perine has really gone over the deep end this time in her constant attacks on me and other GLBT activists who have endorsed Kevin Faulconer for mayor. But last week’s attack on me was just too insane and full of so many lies that I must reply to her. First of all, Linda, stop using Harvey Milk’s name in your attacks. You aren’t Harvey; you did not know him; and you badly need to go back and take a course on GLBT history. I knew and worked with Harvey Milk who, by the way, was once a registered Republican and supported conservative Republican icon, Barry Goldwater for president! One of Harvey Milk’s close friends and allies was Republican State Sen. Milton Marks, and his wife. I even have a picture of Sen. Marks, Harvey and I together. Harvey Milk believed in working with everyone and always reaching out to Republicans as he wasn’t a left wing extremist like you, Linda. I have never brought up Harvey Milk in any political campaign, so stop your lying.

You also stated that I think you’re a “big old lyin’ lesbo.” I have never said such a thing as I would find that offensive to women. You also stated that Interim Mayor Todd Gloria and I just don’t like you. Because Interim Mayor Gloria fired you from your job does not mean that he doesn’t like you. As for me, well, I don’t dislike you … I just can’t stand you and that seemingly black cloud always over your head. Linda, I have been around for more than 45 years and you much, much less, and yet you have become just as controversial as myself and have made a legion of San Diegans who just don’t like you and don’t want to work with you. How dare you act like you speak for our entire community? As for me, my columns, my political and civil rights stands are mine alone as an individual.

Shame on you, Linda Perine and your good pal, Stampp Corbin, who are trying to demonize Kevin Faulconer and the entire Republican Party. It is the usual left wing political tactics. Both David Alvarez and Kevin Faulconer are good decent men who support GLBT equality … period. I have not viciously attacked David as you have Faulconer. As a sitting city commissioner, I have about three more years left in my term, whoever the good people of San Diego elect, he will now be the seventh mayor that I will have served or advised. And I can and will work with whoever is elected the 36th mayor of San Diego, and help and support him 100 percent to become the best mayor for all of the people of our great city.

More than 4,000 GLBT Americans attend NGLTF conference!

Who will take the crown? Join the Imperial Court Feb. 8 at the Lafayette Hotel, 6 p.m. for Coronation XLII. Empress Candi Samples and the three candidates: Miss Pearl for Empress, Toni Saunders for Empress and Robert Rodriguez for Emperor

Well, I am back from five days in Houston, Texas where I attended the 26th annual Creating Change Conference of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF). Wow, what a fantastic and inspiring gathering of more than 4,000 GLBT Americans and our allies. 1,400 of the attendees were under 24 years of age, and the people of color and transgender communities were very well represented. My personal hostesses were Texan Democratic and Latino leader, Dr. Rosie Valdez and her sister Norma, who took good care of this old queen!

Mayor Annise Parker, welcomed us to the fourth largest city in the U.S.A. and even had the rainbow colors light up Houston’s City Hall building every night! Mayor Parker is a proud, out lesbian who recently got married in Palm Springs. I’ve had the honor of presenting Mayor Parker a “Jose Julio Sarria Civic Rights Award” in the past and she is definitely the pride of the GLBT South! I was asked to speak before the Black Justice Institute and also met with many GLBT activists and political figures.

The last time I was asked to speak at an NGLTF National Conference was 16 years ago, so I was a little nervous when they asked me speak at the Sunday Plenary. Well, my speech was a big hit as you can see for yourself, as it was telecast live through the Internet and recorded. Please look up and judge it for yourself.

Every GLBT activist should attend at least one NGLTF conference in their lifetime. You will leave more energized than ever, and be filled with pride. I wish to thank the following NGLTF officials: Rea Carey; Darlene Nipper; Sue Hyde; and especially my son, Russell Roybal (National NGTLF deputy director). You all are awesome and inspiring leaders and role models for all of us. Next years’ 27th conference will be in Denver, the first weekend in February.

2 thoughts on “Linda Perine … stop using Harvey Milk’s name

  1. One would think that Harvey Milk was once a publicly elected official in San Diego judging how Nicole Murray Ramirez constantly involkes Harvey’s name or part of the group who wants to put Harvey’s name on everything. Sadly over looked are the pioneers before,during and after Harvey’s time. Ironically, many of the speeches and quotes of Harvey where hardly heard or read at the time they were made. It was the movie MILK that introduced Harvey to millions of people young and old,gay and straight,here in America and around the world. There is a time and place for everything… but people running for office should be elected on their qualifications and not on their quotes of Harvey or just because they are gay.

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