Lies told by a Christian activist

Student bathrooms post AB1266, the Schools Success and Opportunity Act, are “going to be a hostile situation, I think, and dangerous to everybody. I don’t see [accommodating transgender girls in school bathrooms] as a way that cuts down on bullying as the quote in the Wall Street Journal – forcing boys and girls to share a bathroom is bullying.” That’s according to Tim Lefever, a board member of the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI), the Capitol Resource Institute (CRI) and Youth For Christ.

Beyond Lefever misgendering transgender girls as cisgender boys, we all should be aware that the “forcing boys and girls to share a bathroom is bullying” statement is a talking point born of PJI’s bearing false witness against a female transgender high school teen in Florence, Colo.

Back in October 2013, PJI claimed that a Florence High School trans student was sexually harassing other students in Florence High School’s girls bathrooms. “Parents at the school, located near Colorado Springs, became irate when they learned that a teenage boy was entering girls’ bathrooms and, according to some students,” stated PJI in a press release. “even making sexually harassing comments toward girls he was encountering.” PJI staff attorney Matthew McReynolds stated in that same press release, “This is exactly the kind of horror story we have been warning would accompany the push for radical transgender rights in schools, and it is the type of situation that LGBT activists have been insisting would not happen.”

And, it apparently didn’t happen. “To our knowledge and based on our investigation, none of those things have actually happened,” said Superintendent Rhonda Vendetti, the Fremont Re-2 school superintendent to which Florence High School belongs. “We do have a transgender student at the high school and she has been using the women’s restroom. There has not been a situation.”

In a second press release PJI promulgated about the Colorado transgender student, they backed away from saying that the Colorado High School transgender student engaged in “nightmare” sexual harassment.

But, Lefever, with members of PJI’s staff, participated in fabricating a talking point that still attributed inappropriate behavior to that Colorado student, and Lefever described it in a November interview with James and Ryan Dobson of the Family Talk With James Dobson podcast. Lefever said, “We’ve also taken the phrasing on [the Colorado transgender student using girls bathrooms] that, forcing boys and girls to share a bathroom doesn’t decrease bullying, it is bullying!”

PJI in general and Lefever in particular, have appropriated a term – bullying – for their talking point not only about the transgender girl in Colorado, but now too as a talking point in relationship to AB1266 and transgender students in California. It’s not a talking point born of love or compassion for transgender youth, but about a talking point born of bearing false witness – about lying – about transgender minors who Christ would call his neighbors.

As a professed Christian, Lefever is spreading a lie about what transgender youth do in school bathrooms. Disgustingly, bearing false witness against one’s transgender neighbors is the example that Lefever is setting for Christian youth who belong to Youth For Christ.

And, according to Proverbs 6:19, bearing false witness is one of the six things that the Lord – Tim Lefever’s Lord – detests.

So when one hears the talking point that “Forcing boys and girls to share a bathroom doesn’t decrease bullying, it is bullying,” in the future, remember it’s a talking point fabricated to cover their asses when they were caught telling a lie about a transgender youth in Colorado. It’s an appropriation of the term “bullying” that Lefever, PJI, CRI and Youth For Christ should be ashamed of doing, but most likely won’t be ashamed at all.

Rest assured, we’ll hear this “forcing boys and girls to share a bathroom is bullying” talking point frequently repeated in the months and years ahead – it’s not going to stop being used once the AB1266 struggle is put to bed.

One thought on “Lies told by a Christian activist

  1. So, the basic premise here is that you the person being accused of bullying gets to tell someone who claims to be bullied that they are NOT really bullying them? I can’t imagine that not coming back to bite someone on the posterior… As to supposed lies, while I am sure the right is more than capable of such, the transgender extremists are not really in a position to be casting stones.

    Bottom line, it is one thing to allow someone who is in active, surgery tracked transition access to women’s spaces (as is required by the Real LIfe Test), but another entirely to just push the “name it, and claim it” concept that is the basis of transgender extremism.

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