I have had enough

I have had enough of people being able to say ridiculous things about the LGBT community and get away with it. Most recently it was the star of the Bachelor who called us perverts. He also said that there should never be a gay Bachelor. Really, gay men and women can get married in 18 states but they shouldn’t be able to be on a TV show to find love?

I have reached the fatigue point. Why does the LGBT community continue to let this happen without any reprisals? Sure we complain, just like I am complaining, but we continue to support the shows and stars who speak this drivel. Worse, we also support politicians who speak the same inane words.

Here is what the national Republican Platform says about LGBT people:

Defending Marriage Against An Activist Judiciary … It is an assault on the foundations of our society …” Oh yeah, those judges who have given us the right to marry whom we love, they are assaulting the foundations of our society. Ridiculous.

A Sacred Contract: Defense of Marriage … We reaffirm our support for a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.”

Thank you mayoral candidate Kevin Faulconer for simply not having the intestinal fortitude to say “I don’t’ agree.” I have had enough.

Enough of LGBT leaders that support Republicans that refuse to repudiate their national party leaders, as well as their national platform, which make the LGBT community second class citizens. Shame on you Susan Jester, Nicole Murray Ramirez, Jacque Atkinson and Joe Mariscal. These LGBT leaders think you are stupid. Oh they lead you down the path of “Kevin Faulconer does not agree with the party platform” but the candidate never says so publicly.

Enough. Faulconer should not get your vote, or even be considered until he advocates within his party for your equality by saying “I disagree.” Publicly. Oh, but you can thank Faulconer for debuting his LGBT logo at a recent event in Hillcrest. Glad Faulconer has a PR firm that knows how to put a rainbow on his political signs. It warms my heart.

Can you imagine African Americans voting for a Republican Party that supported people who said “Segregation today, segregation forever”? Of course not. That is why the Republican Party has never recovered with African American voters. We have long memories and don’t trust those who wanted us to be second class citizens forever.

People who are against us are counting on low turnout. The LGBT community needs to show up to the polls to ensure any candidate that belongs to a party that thinks we are second class citizens should experience our wrath by the candidate’s defeat. Enough. Go vote; it makes a difference in your life and all the lives of LGBT Americans. Electing a Republican candidate who refuses to repudiate the party’s national platform is the equivalent of a chicken voting for Col. Sanders; it is not going to end well.

What is worse is our enemies think the brown people will not show up Feb. 11. They are talking about many of you who are both brown and LGBT. You should be incensed and motivated to exercise one of your most fundamental rights – the right to vote.

I have had enough. Sherri Shepherd, kiss my grits. Shepherd said, “I might not agree with your (homosexual) lifestyle … but I love you.” You know what, I don’t agree with your (idiotic) lifestyle … but I love you too. Oh by the way, I love you so much that I want to inform you the world is not flat, which you said you were confused about on The View.

We all get to decide who we want to vote for, but understand what that means for the LGBT community when you pull the lever. In the case of the San Diego mayoral race, unless Faulconer repudiates his party, it means that I am OK being considered a second class citizen. I have had enough.



San Diego LGBT Weekly


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