MEUSA to partner with Marriage Equality 4 Pennsylvania

Marriage Equality USA (MEUSA) has announced a formalized  partnership with Marriage Equality for Pennsylvania (ME4PA). Their mutual goal is to enhance the work and reach of both organizations until full civil marriage equality is attained for all Pennsylvanians. Both organizations are volunteer-driven and working at the grassroots level.

“Working with allied partners in cooperative coalitions is a core value of Marriage Equality USA,” said MEUSA Board President Jane Wishon. “Today’s MEUSA is the result of a powerful grassroots consolidation of the original MEUSA and Marriage Equality New York (MENY), and thus, partnering with ME4PA comes naturally for the national organization.”

“The core of MEUSA is to empower local communities to advocate on their own behalf to win the freedom to marry.  Partnering with an outstanding grassroots partner like ME4PA is a perfect way to combine the resources and expertise of both groups to bring equality to LGBT families as soon as possible,” stated Brian Silva, MEUSA executive director.

“Our two organizations remain focused on winning equality for all Pennsylvanians. We are fully committed to the LGBT community in Pennsylvania, and seek to make marriage equality the law of the Commonwealth. The partnership with MEUSA is a perfect fit for both groups and for Pennsylvania,” concluded David Moore, ME4PA founder and president.

One thought on “MEUSA to partner with Marriage Equality 4 Pennsylvania

  1. Hooray!!!

    Since there’s no statewide nondiscrimination law in PA let’s put all our money and effort into marriage!!! That way – I can tell my boss I’m married and he can fire me for being gay married!!! WhooHoo!!!

    And – since there’s no public accommodations – the day care can refuse my kids!!!! YaHoo! Marriage uber Alles!!!!

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