Mexican Congresswoman dismisses same-sex marriage over eye contact

Ana Maria Jiménez Ortiz

There appears to be no shortage of theories on why elected officials oppose same-sex marriage. Case in point? Ana Maria Jiménez Ortiz, an elected congresswoman from the Mexican political party PAN in Puebla argued in public that only couples who can look in each other’s eyes during sex should be eligible for marriage. “A marriage should only be considered among people that can look at each other in the eye while having sexual intercourse,” Jiménez Ortiz said.”[That is] something that does not happen in homosexual couples.”

Clearly, either Ms. Ortiz lacks a fuller understanding of sex between women or she has failed to take note of the almost unlimited positions available to gay men. (See porn, gay) The statement came up during a public hearing on the matter of same-sex marriage in Puebla, Mexico where she also cited that children raised in same-sex households tend to grow up more depressed and more likely to use drugs.

Ms. Ortiz was citing the frequently debunked findings of Mark Regnerus, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Texas at Austin campus. But as soon as her statements went viral, she was forced to convert her Twitter account from public to private. As pressure mounted, she released a statement, according to “”In no time did I attack any of the assistants [to the panel], I manifested my posture of the issues in a respectful manner and with my convictions, it is the only way we will come to common ground on these important issues. I’m sorry that my participation was taken out of context and doesn’t sum up the exposition that I made and that this has generated a series of attacks towards me on social networks, from people that unfortunately was not there and that the only information they have to attack is from one source.”

The brouhaha began at a panel entitled “Matrimonio Iqualitario” (Marriage Equality) where a discussion was being held on same-sex marriage. The Mexican Supreme Court has recently ruled that same-sex marriages performed in states where it is legal shall be recognized in those where it is not.


3 thoughts on “Mexican Congresswoman dismisses same-sex marriage over eye contact

  1. A politician who has so little understanding of sex itself should not be judging other people’s commitment to each other based on their ignorance of sexual positions. What a fool!

  2. It always amazes me how much time homophobic people spend imagining homosexual sex… and yet, no matter how much time they spend on it, they never get it right.

  3. Thank God for you, Ana María Jiménez Ortiz. With Paula Dean out of the headlines, I had no idea where I would find my trainwreck-based entertainment. And then with clarity and conviction you picked up the mantle and shouted, “YES! I too can be seven kinds of stupid!” Bless you.

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