Rally for Bradley Manning in Hillcrest today 5 p.m.

The San Diego Coalition to Free Manning is staging a rally at Sixth Avenue and  University Avenue in Hillcrest starting at 5 p,m. to coincide with the date  the Army court marshal  released its ruling on  Pfc. Bradley Manning.

The rally will include banners, chanting, many local speakers, as well as an open mic for the public to share their concerns. “Manning hoped the revelations would inspire debate and reform. Our aim is to assist our hero in this shared mission.” said Sean Bohac of SAME Alliance. “We hope that people see that this has not been a fair trial, and that Bradley Manning did a just and heroic thing, organizing these actions helps spark important debate about the failure of the Obama administration to be on the side of freedom and justice.”

Earlier today, a military judge found Pfc. Bradley Manning not guilty of aiding the enemy – a charge that would have carried a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Manning was also found not guilty of unauthorized possession of information relating to national defense.

He was found guilty of most of the remaining charges against him, with the judge accepting some of the guilty pleas he made previously to lesser charges.  See: https://lgbtweekly.jeffjungblut.com/?p=39443

One thought on “Rally for Bradley Manning in Hillcrest today 5 p.m.

  1. Hero? Failure of the Obama administration to be on the side of freedom and justice? WHAT????????? What a bunch of …….. Well at least we all have the freedom to assemble. AND that Obama has gotten a lot of our rights actually recognized, AND that we still have Americans in harm’s way, but this “real piece of work” does this and he is a hero? Anyone who has served may think differently and if you have not, be glad someone wants to. Hero? No, traitor, Yes!

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