Commentary: Thank you Bronwyn Ingram

Bronwyn Ingram and Mayor Bob Filner PHOTO: BIG MIKE


Bronwyn Ingram has informed close friends that she has broken off her engagement to San Diego Mayor Bob Filner. As far as I am concerned this is a private matter between Bronwyn and Bob.

Bronwyn is disbanding Team First Lady, of which Nancy Chase and I are advisory board co-chairs.

Our city owes much to this great lady of social justice. In seven months she has become a champion for the homeless, children’s causes and gave a voice and visibility to those who felt alone. Bronwyn lifted people up and helped nourish so many who felt maginalized.

She never cared about fancy clothes and status and I am blessed to have worked with her and called her my friend.

You can see and read of Bronwyn’s accomplishments at

3 thoughts on “Commentary: Thank you Bronwyn Ingram

  1. How on earth did San Diego come up with such a hateful mayor? Somebody tell me something redeeming about this guy.

    1. Quoting Norma Damashek a long-time civic activist and past president of San Diego’s League of Women Voters from her blog numbersrunner this morning, just a few MAJOR things he has done in a few short months:

      “protecting Balboa Park, neighborhood plans, seals at the Cove, city taxpayer liabilities, you name it”

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