Bronwyn Ingram has informed close friends that she has broken off her engagement to San Diego Mayor Bob Filner. As far as I am concerned this is a private matter between Bronwyn and Bob.
Bronwyn is disbanding Team First Lady, of which Nancy Chase and I are advisory board co-chairs.
Our city owes much to this great lady of social justice. In seven months she has become a champion for the homeless, children’s causes and gave a voice and visibility to those who felt alone. Bronwyn lifted people up and helped nourish so many who felt maginalized.
She never cared about fancy clothes and status and I am blessed to have worked with her and called her my friend.
You can see and read of Bronwyn’s accomplishments at Teamfirstladysd.com
How on earth did San Diego come up with such a hateful mayor? Somebody tell me something redeeming about this guy.
Quoting Norma Damashek a long-time civic activist and past president of San Diego’s League of Women Voters from her blog numbersrunner this morning, just a few MAJOR things he has done in a few short months:
“protecting Balboa Park, neighborhood plans, seals at the Cove, city taxpayer liabilities, you name it”
Nicold proves yet again she will sell her soul to endorse losers in exchange for scratching his back