Sen. Jeff Merkley to join Oregon United for Marriage ‘Summer of Love’ kickoff

PORTLAND, Ore –  Saturday, June 1 at 10 a.m., Sen. Jeff Merkley will join several hundred volunteers to kick start Oregon Untied for Marriage’s Summer of Love canvass for marriage equality in Portland.

“Saturday is the first day of Pride month, and it’s a great day to kick off the “Summer of Love” – to ensure that every loving, committed couple can marry in Oregon,” says Jeana Frazzini, Oregon United for Marriage chief petitioner. “In Oregon, we believe in basic freedom, and in treating others as we would want to be treated ourselves. We are thrilled to be joined by Sen. Jeff Merkley, a longtime advocate for fairness and equality.”

Since November, Washington, Maryland, Maine, Rhode Island, Delaware and Minnesota have extended the freedom to marry to every loving and committed couple – and Illinois leaders may vote on the issue today and become the 13th state.

In Oregon, Oregon United for Marriage held 14 events around the state on February 14, from Portland to Pendleton, to launch the campaign. In jsut a few days, Oregon United for Marriage gathered twice the necessary signatures to start the ballot process. Soon, Oregon United for Marriage will begin collecting the required 161,284 valid signatures needed to get the measure on the ballot in November 2014.

Volunteers at the Summer of Love kickoff events in Portland, Bend, Ashland and Eugene will rally, then head out into their communities to talk to voters about love, commitment, and basic fairness, in an effort to identify marriage equality supporters and get them involved in the campaign.

In addition to Sen. Merkley, Rev. Chuck Currie, retired Lt. Col. Linda Campgbell, and Oregon United for Marriage chief petitioner Frazzini will speak. Chief petitioner Rev. Mark Knutson will aslso be in attendance.

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