COMMENTARY: DeMaio invites guests to homophobe’s fundraiser

Email invitation to Roger Hedgecock’s fundraiser for Carl DeMaio

Some people think that I am not a supporter of Carl DeMaio. The truth is that I cannot stomach those who put their personal career above the well-being of our community. DeMaio recently stated that he is not running on social issues; this is evidenced by his fundraiser hosted by former mayor of San Diego, Roger Hedgecock (see invitation).

As I previously stated in my message in our October 20, 2011 issue (issue 49) Roger Hedgecock is now a right wing, conservative radio talk-show host. Hedgecock has made many attacks on the LGBT community on his talk show, as well as in print publications and during interviews.

Infamously, in 1994 Hedgecock petitioned for his group, the “Normal People,” to march in the Pride parade. Due to his group’s intention to protest and disrupt Pride, the Pride Committee refused his request, resulting in a lawsuit filed in San Diego Superior Court. Hedgecock argued that the First Amendment guaranteed him the right to participate in the parade, and accused the LGBT community of discriminating against his group because they were heterosexual.

Hedgecock also used the LGBT community as a wedge issue during the Gov. Gray Davis recall election stating that Davis was going to sign a bill giving rights to “transsexuals … because he (Davis) needs the radical leftist gay and lesbian community to support him.”

Here are just a few of Hedgecock’s other notable quotes:

“This gay thing has gone too far. These activists think that beyond tolerance they can club 99 percent of Americans who aren’t gay into acceptance and approval … when you try and get me to say that gay sex is the same as any other kind of sex – that’s not the way I feel about it, and I don’t mind saying so.”

“The only reason gays want to be in the military is because ‘that’s where the boys are.’”

Roger Hedgecock

“Just as illegal aliens seem to have more ‘rights’ than citizens do, homosexuals claim their ‘civil rights’ prevail over everyone else’s civil rights.”

That last quote is from 2009. Exactly who would be interested in paying $150 to attend this event for Carl DeMaio hosted by this homophobe? Earlier this year, I publicly asked DeMaio to repudiate Hedgecock’s endorsement; but what did our community get – a doubling down by DeMaio of his acceptance of homophobe Hedgecock’s support. I considered attending but could not stomach the concept of giving $150 to stand around with such an anti-LGBT bigot. Of course, this could be one of the hearts and minds that DeMaio believes he is changing by remaining in the Republican Party.

I would love for San Diego to have its first LGBT mayor but not at the expense of LGBT equality. What say you DeMaio?



San Diego LGBT Weekly

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6 thoughts on “COMMENTARY: DeMaio invites guests to homophobe’s fundraiser

  1. Carl DeMaio is becoming known for doubling down on mean and out of touch. He can’t even pretend he has loyalty and a heart. Amatuer.

    1. TB, I work in local government and I too have heard about the tantrums and outbursts Carl can exhibit from time to time. There are employees at the City of SD would rather take the stairs than ride in an elevator with him. His views on pension reform will hurt City employees and he is using the issue just to get elected. Speaking of pension reform. Does everyone know that if you receive a pension and have worked for the government most of your life, you will not receive a dime of social security when you retire? Please reread the last sentence. I can not support any candidate, even gay ones, that mislead the public and hurt public servants like police and firemen. There does need to be reform but they need to start at the top and not the bottom.

  2. Once again, Stamp, you really miss the target. Sure you can get people riled up over Hedgecock being a bigot. Everyone knows this. Pride should have let him and his followers walk in the parade just as every other parade should allow a gay contingent. People in the LGBT community are bigger than Hedgecock. We will get nowhere fighting him but rather, like the native Americans would say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. It is time for all of us to come together; to speak freely and begin to resolve our differences from a point of love, not attack, not name calling and not fear mongering. So Hedgecock is a homophobe as you say. So are many people. We are not responsible for others ignorance. Nor is Carl DeMaio. Like any great leader, DeMaio learns how to put his emotions aside and try to bring all to the table for the good of the city. Do you leave open the possibility, Stamp, that Carl could be just the peace maker we need; allowing people like Hedgecock see what amazing people, leaders, business people LGBT people are. As long as we fan the flames of homophobia by tearing one of our own down, there will be no progress, no healing, no peace. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. reached out his hand constantly to the white folk. His outreach was way more dangerous than Carl DeMaio could ever be reaching out to an man like Hedgecock.

  3. There’s a secret intoiatiin involving a goat and Jell-O.You sure you want in?I didn’t realize you were San Diego — we’ll let you know the next secret meeting.

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