D.A. Dumanis cracks down on synthetic drugs in San Diego

Bath Salts - Synthetic Drugs - Dumanis - LGBT news, San Diego

Bath Salts - Synthetic Drugs - Dumanis - LGBT news, San DiegoSan Diego District Attorney and mayoral hopeful Bonnie Dumanis has taken action to remove synthetic drugs – commonly known as “bath salts” – off hundreds of retail shelves throughout San Diego County following a new state law that bans their sale.

Nearly 100 letters were sent out from Dumanis and Sheriff Bill Gore warning businesses that they would face civil or criminal penalties including steep fines if bath salts were not immediately removed from their inventory of goods sold.

“We’re taking this action to let businesses know about the new law and penalties they could face,” District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis said according to CBS 8. “More importantly, we want to be proactive to let San Diegans know how dangerous these drugs can be. `Bath salts’ in particular have been linked to an alarming number of calls to poison control centers and scary emergency room visits.”

Dumanis’ effort to clean up drug use in San Diego runs deep after maintaining a tough stance against marijuana policies, although she has vocally supported its medical use. In an editorial for San Diego LGBT Weekly, the mayoral hopeful explained that she does not “support dealers hiding behind Proposition 215,” although she is in full support of the legal use of medical marijuana.

California bill AB 486 banning the sale of synthetic drugs was authored by Assemblyman Ben Heuso (D-San Diego) and went into effect Oct. 9.

One thought on “D.A. Dumanis cracks down on synthetic drugs in San Diego

  1. Maybe the Dirty D.A. should send a letter out to herself in regard to synthetic politicians who are hypocrites. She could take her own self to task for being nothing more than a hack and phony who trots out her “gayness” when it suits her politically, but is nothing more than a good ole boy in disguise. Dirty Dumanis made it her trademark to go after ill medical marijuana patients who had legitimate medical needs for pot & she persecuted them in the name of looking “tough on crime.” Look where that has gotten her today, as she tries to run for higher political office? Answer: no where fast! If the pathetic D.A. feels that she wants to chase after something illegal and synthetic, then she should go give a run right after herself.

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