Catholic church reignites old M.O. with anti-gay website

San Diego gay: LGBT WEEKLY | Marriage for a Reason
San Diego gay: LGBT WEEKLY | Marriage for a Reason
The heterosexual couple featured on, the Catholic church's newest website against gay marriage.

A new website dubbed Marriage for a Reason was launched Monday by the Catholic church, premiering first at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) fall symposium.

The site is aimed to educate Catholics and non-Catholics about the “essentials” of marriage. The frequently asked question, “Why can’t marriage be “redefined” to include two men or two women?” is explained:

The word “marriage” isn’t simply a label that can be attached to different types of relationships. Instead, “marriage” reflects a deep reality – the reality of the unique, fruitful, lifelong union that is only possible between a man and a woman. Just as oxygen and hydrogen are essential to water, sexual difference is essential to marriage. The attempt to “redefine” marriage to include two persons of the same sex denies the reality of what marriage is. It is as impossible as trying to “redefine” water to include oxygen and nitrogen.

The site also features videos which promote heterosexual couples highlighting the importance of “sexual difference.” As Marriage for a Reason describes, “Sexual difference is an irreducible difference. It is unlike any other difference we experience, because it – and only it – allows for the total personal union between husband and wife that is at the heart of marriage.”

In the video, “Made for Each Other” a heterosexual couple explains that “sexual difference is essential to marriage… it’s a matter of justice, truth, love and real freedom…. it’s like hydrogen and oxygen [that makes water]”

The bishops have previously endorsed Minnesota and North Carolina in banning gay marriage.

5 thoughts on “Catholic church reignites old M.O. with anti-gay website

  1. “The word “marriage” isn’t simply a label that can be attached to different types of relationships. Instead, “marriage” reflects a deep reality – the reality of the unique, fruitful, lifelong union that is only possible between a man and a woman.”

    Obviously, someone forgot about traditional, biblical, contractual marriage where it was one man and several women who were mere property and breeding machine. And let’s not forget about all those concubines.

    I’m shocked that christians and catholics have such selective memory.

  2. In 1933, the vatican concluded an agreement with hitler, that gave the church “religious freedom”, including putting crosses in schools, etc etc. In effect, the church legitimized hitler.

    Instead of using its moral power to try and prevent what became the aniallation of the jews, by hitler born and baptised catholic in 1888 in very catholic Austria. And btw he also threw the gays into the ovens as well.

    The cooperation of the most of the church officials with nazis is shown in the following website –

  3. So according to the “reality of marriage”…..a lifelong union is only capable between a man and a woman??? Tell that to the same sex couples that have been together for 40 and 50 years. Also, it is a proven fact that more heterosexual marriages end up in divorce than same sex marriages. Coming from a Catholic I am ashamed of the Church that I devoted the majority of my life to….maybe these Bishops and Cardinals should gather more evidence before they spew crap like this……………

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