Steve Lee, Editor

Lambda Legal and ACLU file federal class action seeking to end Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage

HARRISONBURG, Va. – Today Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia are filing a federal class action lawsuit seeking the freedom to marry for all same-sex couples in Virginia as well as an end to Virginia’s refusal to recognize marriages same-sex couples have legally entered elsewhere….

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North Carolina man confronts the stigmas of living with epilepsy and being gay on new web series (VIDEO)

Disclosing that you have a chronic illness can be tough, and epilepsy is one of the most stigmatized and misunderstood diseases. Now add telling others that you are gay, and you will understand the courage Rick Stevens needed to admit that he is “different” in both ways. He shares how epilepsy is not the disability people thought it…

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SAN DIEGO EXCLUSIVE: An interview with Stuart Milk, founder of the Milk Foundation (VIDEO) BY ANTHONY GIOFFRE After living in New York City in the late ’70s, Miami through the ’80s and San Francisco through the ’90s, I’ve seen some struggles. From the glamour days of Studio 54 and weekends on Fire Island, to carrying, sometimes literally, thousands of people with AIDS to their grave, followed by their…

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Second ministry supports same-sex marriage in Vietnam

Following on the heels of April’s historic announcement by Vietnam’s Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice’s Ha Hung Cuong has called for the end of marriage discrimination against same-sex couples. In a statement released Monday, the Justice issued a road map for the eventual legalization of same-sex marriage including the recognition of property between two…

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Bradley Manning found not guilty of aiding the enemy, guilty on other charges

(CNN) – A military judge has found Pfc. Bradley Manning, accused of the largest leak of classified information in U.S. history, not guilty of aiding the enemy – a charge that would have carried a maximum sentence of life in prison. Manning was also found not guilty of unauthorized possession of information relating to national…

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HRC: Popes statement on gay priests ‘represents a significant change in tone’

WASHINGTON – Following his historic visit to Brazil for World Youth Day, Pope Francis made multiple comments about gay Catholics in the priesthood during a wide-ranging press conference aboard the Papal plane. By all accounts, the Pope was speaking in response to a question about gay priests within the Roman Curia when he said, “Who…

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