Steve Lee, Editor

Stop on same-sex marriage licenses in PA highlights tax mess for legally married same-sex couples

NEW YORK CITY — Last Thursday’s court action halting the granting of marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Montgomery County, PA, underscores a complex and potentially expensive tax scenario for legally married same-sex couples in states where same-sex marriage is not recognized, according to David H. Glusman, CPA, partner-in-charge of the Philadelphia office of Marcum LLP and…

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‘AIDS Walk, Run & Street Challenge Superheroes’ to receive commemorative T-shirts

SAN DIEGO – The AIDS Walk, Run & Street Challenge San Diego “Superheroes” will receive a special, limited-edition T-shirt. “Superheroes” are participants in the AIDS Walk, Run or Street Challenge who have raised $100 for local HIV/AIDS service organizations. “We really wanted to recognize those folks who go beyond registering and commit to raising at least…

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Sixth annual ‘Pugtoberfest’ brings San Diego lovable pups and delectable brews

SAN DIEGO – What is there not to love about hundreds of pug dogs dressed up in costume and their loving owners dog-talking over some of San Diego’s finest craft beer? Not a thing, according to one of San Diego’s happiest traditions: Pugtoberfest. Pug Rescue San Diego, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the rescue and…

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Transbay Transit Center – LGBT business outreach event Sept. 26

  SAN FRANCISCO — The Transbay Transit Center Project invites LGBT business owners and employees in the construction, arrchitectural, engineering, trades and professional services industries to a unique outreach event to lrarn more about the Transbay Transit Center project and upcoming contracting opportunities. The Transbay Transit Center Project is a visionary transportation and housing project…

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Interim Mayor Todd Gloria and San Diego mayoral candidates to address Democrats for Equality Sept. 26

The San Diego Democrats for Equality meeting  Thursday, Sept. 26, will include remarks from Interim Mayor Todd Gloria followed by a candidate forum for San Diego mayor.  Gloria will speak about his experiences as council president and interim mayor and will discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the City. Following Gloria’s remarks, candidates for mayor…

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High school English teacher Kristen Ostendorf, 43, fired for being gay

For the second time in almost as many months, a Totino-Grace High School faculty member has been fired for being gay. Kristen Ostendorf, 43, who teaches English and ministers at the Fridley, Minnesota Catholic high school, announced during a peer-based conference that she is lesbian and living in a happy same-sex relationship; a fact, she…

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