Steve Lee, Editor

Landmark same-sex marriage lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania

A federal suit was filed today in Philadelphia to declare unconstitutional the Pennsylvania statute that bans recognition of same-sex marriage legally entered into states that authorize same-sex marriages. The suit raises important constitutional questions that the courts have not addressed, including the impact of full faith and credit clause, which requires states to respect judgment,…

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HRC names Tom O’Donnell vice president of policy and political affairs

WASHINGTON – Today the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) announced Thomas P. O’Donnell as the organization’s new Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs.  O’Donnell joins HRC after previous service as a senior official in the White House, the U.S. Senate, the Obama and Clinton Presidential Transition Teams, several Presidential campaigns and nominating Conventions, and as…

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UN LGBT Core Group issues declaration on ending discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

Today, following their meeting  members of the LGBT Core Group at the United Nations issued the following declaration on ending violence and discrimination against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity: 1.   We, ministers of Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, El Salvador, France, Israel, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and United States, and the High…

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Census Bureau: HIV/AIDS database update

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The following tip sheet has been released today by the U.S. Census Bureau: This compilation of data from 219 countries and areas on the prevalence of HIV infection and AIDS cases and deaths is updated to include new data for more than 100 countries. Major updates include new data for China, Ghana, Ethiopia, India and Cameroon. The database focuses on HIV/AIDS…

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IOC abandons LGBT Russians, Olympic athletes ahead of Sochi Games

WASHINGTON – Today the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the governing body of the Olympic Games, announced it was “fully satisfied” that Russia’s heinous anti-gay propaganda law does not violate the anti-discrimination guarantees of the Olympic charter.  Recently the Russian government adopted a law that outlaws even the most modest gestures of support for the dignity…

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George H.W. Bush witnesses same-sex wedding

Photo courtesy Helen Thorgalsen ABC News reports that President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush attended and witnessed the wedding of friends in a same-sex ceremony in Maine this past weekend. Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen, who own HB Provisions, a Kennebunk, Maine, general store, got the former president’s official stamp of approval despite the…

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San Diego Pride begins 2013 grant process and community survey

SAN DIEGO – San Diego LGBT Pride  announced today that due to the success of this year’s Pride event, themed Freedom to Love and Marry, they are able to continue their tradition of community giving. “In addition to being a celebration, Pride is our community’s biggest fundraiser of the year,” said San Diego LGBT Pride’s…

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HHS releases report on 2012 progress implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy

Last Friday, September 20, 2013, the Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy (OHAIDP) was pleased to host a number of HIV/AIDS leaders from across the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as well as many non-federal stakeholders as we paused to recognize and reflect on major accomplishments across HHS in implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy….

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New report finds an estimated 325,000 Asian And Pacific Islander adults in the US identify as LGBT

LOS ANGELES — 2.8 percent of all Asian and Pacific Islander adults in the U.S. identify as  lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) according to a new study entitled, “LGBT Asian and Pacific Islander Individuals and Same-Sex Couples,” by Angeliki Kastanis, Public Policy Research Fellow at the Williams Institute, and Gary J. Gates, Williams Distinguished…

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