Steve Lee, Editor

Walk through Hillcrest’s LGBTQ history with Lambda Archives, Aug. 20

Join Lambda Archives on a walk through Hillcrest’s LGBTQ history. Do you know where San Diego’s early gay bars were? Have you read the hate crimes plaque? Have you looked at the base of the flag pole? Have you peeked into the secret garden? Lambda Archives next walking tour of Hillcrest will be Saturday, Aug….

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HRC: Marco Rubio still unwilling to stand up for LGBTQ Floridians

WASHINGTON — Friday, on the two-month anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting that took the lives of 49 LGBTQ people and allies, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) courted anti-LGBTQ activists just 10 miles from the site of the tragedy in Orlando. Rubio, who has a long track record of opposing LGBTQ protections and basic gun safety…

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Gonzalez bills designed to reduce poverty, improve working conditions and improve public safety head to Senate floor

SACRAMENTO – The Senate Committee Appropriations forwarded 10 bills authored by California State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) to the full State Senate, advancing her efforts to bolster the earning power of working families and protect their public safety, regardless of immigration status. The Senate’s committee on fiscal issues released from its suspense file bills…

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World Outgames Miami condemns Daily Beast article targeting LGBT Olympians

Thursday morning, The Daily Beast published an article titled “I Got Three Grindr Dates in an Hour in the Olympic Village,” which World OutGames Miami has condemned as ” …a gay witch-hunt that harms LGBT individuals.” World OutGames Miami described the piece written by Nico Hines as, ” …a shameful example of the everyday struggles…

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LGBT military equality champion Aaron Belkin to be honored at AMPA West Coast Gala in San Diego

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the American Military Partner Association (AMPA), the nation’s largest organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) military families, announced that Aaron Belkin will be honored with the AMPA Distinguished Leadership Award at the inaugural AMPA West Coast Gala on Saturday, September 17, 2016, in San Diego, Calif. At the incredible…

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Equality PAC denounces Trump’s and Rubio’s appearances at anti-LGBT event in Orlando

WASHINGTON, D.C.– Equality PAC, a political action committee formed by leaders of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, denounced Donald Trump and Senator Marco Rubio’s decision to appear at gathering of anti-LGBT activists in Orlando, Fla. “It isn’t any surprise that Donald Trump and Marco Rubio have no respect for the LGBT community or its concerns,…

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San Diego delegation to attend Harvey Milk Navy ship naming ceremony

Tuesday, Aug. 16, City Commissioner Nicole Murray Ramirez will lead a San Diego delegation to San Francisco for the official naming ceremony of the Harvey Milk Navy ship to be built and dedicated in San Diego. Among the San Diego delegation will be Councilman Todd Gloria, Ben Dillingham III, (Member of the San Diego County…

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Indonesians face unprecedented government-led anti-LGBT attacks (VIDEO)

The Indonesian government stoked an unprecedented attack on the security and rights of sexual and gender minorities in early 2016. The government campaign included hateful rhetoric, discriminatory edicts, and the use of force to repress peaceful assembly. Human Rights Watch reports that beginning in January 2016 a series of anti-LGBT public comments by government officials…

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Grindr launches Varsity Collection to champion LGBT equality in sports

Today, Grindr debuts their first-ever full range menswear line, The Varsity Collection, in collaboration with innovative printing design studio, Print All Over Me (PAOM). In order to increase awareness and raise funds for LGBTQ athletes, all proceeds will go to Athlete Ally’s Principle 6 campaign, a non-profit focused on ending homophobia and transphobia in the…

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In new poll, majority of North Carolinians say HB2 is harming the state

A new poll released by Public Policy Polling showing an overwhelming 58 percent majority of North Carolinians believe that the discriminatory HB2 law is hurting their state’s economy and reputation. The survey also revealed that voters in the Tar Heel State reject the specious argument that HB2 has “made the state safer,” with only 29 percent agreeing…

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