Supreme Court stops same-sex marriages in Utah

Today the United States Supreme Court issued a stay temporarily suspending the issuance of marriage licenses to lesbian and gay couples in Utah. Hundreds of couples have been married since U.S. District Judge Robert J. Shelby ruled Dec. 20 that the state’s ban on such unions violated constitutional guarantees of equal protection and due process….

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Pat Buchanan continues his love affair with Vladimir Putin

From Media Matters For America comes their latest post responding to Pat Buchanan urging President Obama to visit Russia, in part, to atone for those who have been “stiffing” President Vladimir Putin due to his oppression of gay people. Echoing his earlier praise for the Russian president, conservative commentator Pat Buchanan urged President Barack Obama…

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Fox’s Ablow: ‘Marriage is over’ because of gay people, polygamists

Media Matters for America reveals its response to Fox News’ Keith Ablow claim that “marriage died in 2013.” Fox News’ resident anti-LGBT pop psychologist Keith Ablow boldly declared that “marriage died in 2013,” badly misreading a recent court decision in Utah to blame same-sex marriage supporters for turning marriage into the “the Wild West.” In…

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2014: The political year in preview

Midterms don’t have the cachet of presidential years, but 2014 looks to be an important election year, particularly for San Diego and the LGBT community. Mayor of San Diego. Both candidates have history on their side. Special elections typically bring out a more conservative electorate, which would help Councilmember Kevin Faulconer. Councilmember David Alvarez benefits…

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Same-sex couples break marriage records in Utah; state to appeal ruling to U.S. Supreme Court

The number of marriages in the state of Utah have broken all records since a federal judge overturned Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage a week ago. According to a report in  The Salt Lake Tribune, as of close of business Thursday, more than 1,225 marriage licenses had been issued in Utah since last Friday and…

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Statement: U.S. concern with anti-homos​exuality legislatio​n in Uganda

Today the White House issued the following statement by Jen Psaki, spokesperson on U.S. concern with the passage of the Ugandan anti-homosexuality legislation: We are deeply concerned by the Ugandan Parliament’s passage of anti-homosexuality legislation.  As Americans, we believe that people everywhere deserve to live in freedom and equality – and that no one should face…

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Mother of dead gay man to sue U.S. government over illegal deportation

For four months, 21-year-old Nelson Javier Avila-Lopez was brutally tortured in the infamous Comayagua prison in Honduras before perishing in a fire that killed 357 other prisoners.  His body was so badly charred, officials were forced to use DNA testing to identify his remains. Now, his mother, Ana Lopez plans on suing the United States…

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LGBT history app partners with the ‘It Gets Better Project’

BERWYN HEIGHTS, Md. In celebration of LGBT History Month, which starts today in the United States, the free mobile app Quist announces it will release it’s 2.0 version this October. The new version will include a frequently requested keyword search feature to sort the 800 LGBTQ historical events in the app’s database. Quist is also teaming…

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