Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch showcases his anti-LGBTQ activism

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch showed his true stance on equal rights for LGBTQ people after authoring the dissent for the Pavan v. Smith case Monday, which granted married same-sex couples the right to have names of both parents on their child’s birth certificates. Justice Gorsuch’s choice to be the…

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HRC calls on pro-equality senators to vote ‘No’ and filibuster Neil Gorsuch

WASHINGTON — Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) continued their historic opposition to the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court by calling on every pro-equality member of the U.S. Senate to vote “no” and filibuster his nomination. “Last week, Neil Gorsuch refused to answer basic questions regarding his alarming history of opposing…

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EQCA sends letter urging senators to oppose Gorsuch nomination

As confirmation hearings for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch get underway, Equality California has sent a letter to members of the United States Senate urging them to oppose his confirmation. In the letter, Equality California refutes Trump Administration claims that Gorsuch is a moderate in tune with mainstream American views. In fact, Gorsuch’s legal…

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US Supreme Court denies rehearing petition in the United States v. Texas immigration case

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Earlier today, the U.S. Supreme Court denied a rehearing petition in the United States v. Texas immigration case around Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents, or DAPA, and expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA+. Advocacy groups have been quick to criticize the decision. Tom Jawetz, vice…

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Advocates ask Supreme Court to hear case concerning medical care for transgender woman in prison

Lawyers have petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to hear an appeal on behalf of Michelle Kosilek, a transgender woman who has been denied essential health care while serving a prison sentence in the custody of the Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC). The DOC has denied Kosilek gender affirming surgery for decades, despite the fact that experts…

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U.S. Supreme Court to consider taking up Louisiana marriage equality case

The U.S. Supreme Court has distributed a Louisiana marriage equality case for its January 9, 2015 conference. The justices will deliberate whether to take up Robicheaux v. George on appeal after a federal district court upheld the state’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples in September of this year. In response to today’s news, Human…

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