MRC’s Brent Bozell: TV has too many gay characters

From Media Matters for America comes a post about Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell, who slammed Hollywood for including too many gay characters in television programs and films, lamenting that gay characters “never face any real opposition to the gay agenda on these so-called ‘inclusive’ programs.” In an Oct. 25 column for, Bozell criticized the…

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The Killing

DVR This: AMC, Available on and ITunes While a bunch of people stopped watching The Killing – the moody, slow and rainy series about murder detectives in Seattle – after they failed to reveal who killed Rose Larsen at the end of season 1, I suggest you return, either on TV or DVD. This…

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Philadelphia marks 10 years of gay marketing with new TV spot

PHILADELPHIA — To celebrate the 10th anniversary of its award-winning Philadelphia – Get Your History Straight and Your Nightlife Gay® campaign, the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation (GPTMC) is set to release its second commercial geared toward the LGBT traveler. In 2004, GPTMC produced the first TV commercial by a U.S. destination for the LGBT travel market. “Ten…

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The Newsroom, Season 1

The Newsroom returns to HBO July 14, and before then you can binge on the first season of Aaron Sorkin’s sometimes comic drama about the backstage goings on at a cable news show hosted by a truth-telling independent. Sorkin, who created The West Wing and wrote The Social Network, has a practically patented style of…

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House of Cards

dvd of the week If you don’t have Netflix, you probably missed their 13-episode original series about the cruel world of Washington politics, which was also easily the best thing on TV this year. Starring Kevin Spacey in his greatest role – which is saying a lot – he is supported by Robin Wright, Kate…

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Behind the Candelabra

dvr this I haven’t seen it yet, because it’s on my DVR, but there’s hasn’t been a TV movie I have been so excited about in eons. Steven Soderbergh’s film about Liberace and his last lover, the young, blond and clueless Scott Thorson, was too gay and too sexy to be a feature film, supposedly….

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La Femme Nikita

dvr this Turner Classic Movies, 10:45 p.m., Saturday, March 23 Luc Besson became world famous with the great thriller La Femme Nikita, in which a teenage junkie (Anne Parillaud) agrees to become an assassin in order to avoid going to jail for murder. She’s not happy at first and it’s not easy. She is put…

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