Bosses advised how to work with trans employees

WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the educational arm of the nation’s largest LGBT civil rights organization, has released a white paper titled: Transgender-Inclusive Health Care Coverage and the Corporate Equality Index, a resource for employers to make their workplaces more equitable for transgender employees. The white paper is an educational tool for employers…

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Trans women as ‘super-gays’

A few years ago, I came to the realization that trans people are considered ‘super-gays’ by the religious right. For example, Dr. Sander Breiner, in his National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) article entitled TranssexualityExplained stated the following: “There are a significant number of male homosexuals who would like to be a…

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Gay news - San Diego

Verizon protects gender identity, expression following equality push from Unitarian Universalist Association

The LGBT community celebrates another victory following an announcement Monday that Verizon Communications has implemented a “gender identity or expression” protection to its non-discrimination policy.  The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) urged Verizon Communications to adopt the policy after a five year effort of filing shareholder resolutions. “This is a significant victory for the UUA’s shareholder…

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gay news - GOProud

‘GOProud, go away’

GOProud is an organization that represents gay, lesbian and transgender conservatives, as well as their allies. The organization is “committed to a traditional conservative agenda that emphasizes limited government, individual liberty, free markets and a confident foreign policy.” Guess what that conservative agenda also includes? It supports presidential candidates that do not support LGBT equality….

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San Diego gay news

Tennessee ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill gains foothold after passage in state House

The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill advances in Tennessee today following its approval in the state House subcommittee. The bill, if passed, would prohibit the discussion of LGBT issues within the confines of a public school classroom including any subject pertaining to LGBT sexual education. The pending bill would give supporters parental control over how to…

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