‘Glee’s’ transgender character actor condemns Bill O’Reilly’s transphobia

Media Matters for America latest post reveals the actor who plays a transgender character on the Fox television series Glee has responded to criticism from Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, who warned that allowing “dopey kids” to watch a transgender character on television might encourage them to experiment with homosexuality. In April 2012, O’Reilly criticized Glee for introducing a transgender…

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Transgender woman murdered in Detroit

DETROIT – A murder victim found discarded in a trash receptacle off Woodward Avenue in Detroit, Nov. 8 has not yet been identified, but is believed to be a member of the transgender community. Equality Michigan, a statewide anti-violence and advocacy organization, supports victims of anti-transgender crime and tracks violence against transgender people throughout Michigan. The…

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O’Reilly: Transgender-inclusive locker rooms are like Hooters without chicken wings

Media Matters for America’s latest post reveals Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly continued a pattern of transphobic commentary when he said that bringing a 12-year old boy to Hooters was comparable to allowing transgender students to use appropriate locker rooms or restrooms — a right that O’Reilly believes will be exploited by mischievous adolescents who want to spy on…

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HRC, SPLC demand Texas School Board allow transgender teen to appear in yearbook wearing tuxedo

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has demanded  that the La Feria Independent School District allow Jeydon Loredo, a transgender student and senior at La Feria High School, to appear in his high school yearbook wearing a tuxedo or risk a federal lawsuit against the Texas school district. The demand was made…

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Speaker Pérez: ‘AB 1266 would keep transgender students safe’

SACRAMENTO – Following conservative groups obtaining the necessary number of signatures to place a referendum on the 2014 ballot for Assembly Bill 1266, which will allow transgender students in public schools to have access to sports teams and school facilities such as restrooms with respect to their gender identity, California State Assembly Speaker John A….

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It always involves the bathroom

“Jim Crow states passed statutes severely regulating social interactions between the races,” states a Web page for the Ferris State University’s Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia. “Jim Crow signs were placed above water fountains, door entrances and exits, and in front of public facilities. There were separate hospitals for blacks and whites, separate prisons,…

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