Transgender News San Diego | LGBT WEEKLY

Unlicensed transgender woman arrested for botched surgery procedures

A transgender woman suspected of practicing cosmetic surgery without a license is facing criminal charges after she injected a patient with  doses of unsafe substances including a concoction of tire mender sold under the brand Fix-A-Flat, Super Glue, and mineral oil and other toxic substances. The patient was admitted to the hospital with severe illnesses….

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Transgender San Diego | LGBT WEEKLYSan

West Hollywood: Suspect in transgender murder may target transgender women as victims

Police say the man suspected of shooting a transgender woman Thursday in Hollywood may have also been the same man who robbed and shot fire toward another transgender victim in West Hollywood just 45 minutes after the heinous murder. Cassidy Nathan Vickers, 32, died Thursday from gunshot wounds before police arrived on scene. She was…

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Transgender San Diego | LGBT WEEKLY | Gay newsTransgender

Massachusetts to protect transgender community after passage of important bill

An important bill that will protect transgendered Massachusettians passed both house and state legislature Wednesday and is pending signage into legislation by Gov. Deval Patrick, who supports the bill. The pending legislation will protect transgender people from hate crimes, violence, and discrimination. “Transgender individuals in Massachusetts face unacceptably high levels of violence and discrimination in…

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