Rick Perry compares gay people to alcoholics

Texas governor, Rick Perry waded into the debate over a change to the Texas Republican Party’s platform, which recently added support for so-called “reparative therapy” as a plank.  According to press reports, when asked whether he believes homosexuality is a disorder, Perry responded that, “whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or…

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Anti-LGBT vitriol comes to Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON – Tuesday, at a hearing of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, Liberty University Dean and Professor of Law Mathew Staver submitted prepared testimony which included a profoundly inaccurate anti-LGBT rant. The hearing had been convened at the behest of the subcommittee’s chairman, Rep. Trent Franks, on the subject of…

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Testosterone therapy: understanding the real meaning of recent trials

Two recently published trials, which have been sensationalized by the news media, suggest that testosterone replacement therapy may increase the risk of heart disease and/or stroke. These were poorly designed studies which conflict with numerous previous medical trials which showed the beneficial effects of testosterone on the heart and that a low testosterone level in…

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