Lady Gaga enables social media followers to embrace their differences while deepening the perceived relationship, MU study finds

COLUMBIA, Mo. – According to recent statistics, more than 175 million tweets are sent daily, and 11 accounts are created every second on Twitter. One celebrity who boasts the highest amount of global subscribers is singer Lady Gaga who enjoys more than 40 million Twitter followers. Now, University of Missouri communication researchers have found that…

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NHL becomes first with all-team support for gay athletes and fans through ‘You Can Play’ (VIDEO)

DENVER,  — Colorado Avalanche team captain Gabriel Landeskog today became the latest professional athlete to speak on behalf of the You Can Play Project,  and in doing so, the National Hockey League has become the first professional sports league in North America to have each of its member teams represented by players voicing support for LGBT (lesbian,…

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AB1266: San Diego LGBTQIA groups rally to support trans students

After a series of legislative and judicial Marriage Equality victories, major anti-LGBT organizations have redirected their efforts away from marriage equality and toward attacking the rights of transgender people. These attacks follow California’s passage of Assembly Bill 1266, the School Success and Opportunity Act. The bill guarantees transgender students equal access to restrooms, locker rooms,…

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Glenner Memory Care Centers beneficiary of SDGMC holiday concerts

The Glenner Memory Care Centers, a local nonprofit providing programs and resources for those living with dementia, was the lucky beneficiary for the very popular San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus (SDGMC) holiday concerts in mid-December. Representatives dropped off a check Dec. 23 for $2,128 from donations collected in a giant ruby red slipper in the…

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Thousands of students across Catholic high schools in Washington State protest an anti-LGBT firing

WASHINGTON – The future victory of LGBT equality has long been visible in demographic data. Public polling reveals that support for LGBT equality among so-called “Millennials” is currently between 70 and 80 percent and continues to grow. This broad support is mirrored across demographic groups, but it’s especially stark among American Catholics of all ages…

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In response to ‘Kevin Faulconer is ready to be mayor’ Dear Editor, Nicole Murray Ramirez has apparently ended her “bromance” with Republican-Independent-Democrat Nathan Fletcher, and has now taken up residence with Republican Kevin Faulconer. Ramirez endorses Faulconer (San Diego LGBT Weekly issue 135, Dec. 5) for three explicitly stated reasons: 1. Faulconer is a clone…

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HRC announces $100,000 contribution to support the Russian LGBT movement (VIDEO)

WASHINGTON – Just 50 days from the start of the Sochi Winter Olympics, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), announces its first contribution to the Russia Freedom Fund ( in the amount of $100,000. The announcement is featured in a video holiday card to the Russian LGBT community, compiling support and solidarity for their cause across…

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HRC to ‘Duck Dynasty’ star: ‘being gay not a choice or a sin’

WASHINGTON – In a recent interview with GQ magazine, the star of A&E’s hit Duck Dynasty called homosexuality a sin, and equated it with promiscuity and bestiality. In the remarks, for the magazine’s January 2014 issue, Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson says sin “Start[s] with homosexual behavior and just morph[s] out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with…

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