Same-sex couples break marriage records in Utah; state to appeal ruling to U.S. Supreme Court

The number of marriages in the state of Utah have broken all records since a federal judge overturned Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage a week ago. According to a report in  The Salt Lake Tribune, as of close of business Thursday, more than 1,225 marriage licenses had been issued in Utah since last Friday and…

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NM Supreme Court ruling extends same-sex marriage statewide

With lesbian and gay couples having married over the past several months in many New Mexico counties, today the state Supreme Court ruled to allow same-sex couples throughout the state to continue making lifelong commitments through marriage. This makes New Mexico the first state in the Southwest with marriage equality and the 17th state nationwide….

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US district judge rules Utah ban on marriage equality unconstitutional

Today, Utah U.S. District Judge Robert Shelby ruled that the state’s ban on marriage equality is unconstitutional. In a 53-page decision, the court found that Utah’s marriage ban denies loving, committed lesbian and gay couples their “fundamental right to marry,” and that the ban lacks any “rational basis.” “This has been a banner year for marriage…

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Oregon United for Marriage hits signature milestone

PORTLAND, Ore—On the one-year anniversary of the day same-sex couples could first receive marriage licenses in Washington state, Oregon United for Marriage is announcing that the campaign has collected more than 116,284 signatures, the minimum needed to put the Freedom to Marry and Religious Protection Initiative on the November ballot. The campaign, which began collecting…

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