Gender Recognition Act and eight other Atkins’ bills advance in the Assembly

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Nine bills authored by Sen. Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) have moved forward in the state Assembly: SB 179, the Gender Recognition Act, has cleared the Assembly Judiciary Committee and has been sent to the Assembly Transportation Committee. The bill creates a third gender marker on state-issued identification documents for people who identify…

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California Legislature passes bill to boost student voter registration

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.—The California State Assembly Wednesday passed the Student Voting Act on concurrence, sending the bill to the desk of Gov. Jerry Brown. AB 2455, authored by Assemblymembers David Chiu (D-San Francisco) and Rob Bonta (D-Oakland), will increase voter registration and civic engagement among California students by creating an online link between class enrollment…

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Political preview 2013

After a fairly sparkling record in the 2012 elections (San Diego LGBT Weekly Sept. 27 2012 – Breaking open the political fortune cookie), the Politically Aware crystal ball was looking forward to a well-earned rest. Then City Council President Tony Young announced his resignation, Rep. Juan Vargas was sworn in, and the sound of falling…

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