San Diego LGBTQIA groups rally to support trans* students on ‘AB 1266 Day of Decision’ Feb. 24

After a series of legislative and judicial Marriage Equality victories, major anti-LGBT organizations have redirected their efforts away from marriage equality and toward attacking the rights of transgender people. These attacks follow California’s passage of Assembly Bill 1266, the School Success and Opportunity Act. The bill guarantees transgender students equal access to restrooms, locker rooms,…

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AB1266: San Diego LGBTQIA groups rally to support trans students

After a series of legislative and judicial Marriage Equality victories, major anti-LGBT organizations have redirected their efforts away from marriage equality and toward attacking the rights of transgender people. These attacks follow California’s passage of Assembly Bill 1266, the School Success and Opportunity Act. The bill guarantees transgender students equal access to restrooms, locker rooms,…

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Students and families optimistic that School Success and Opportunity Act (AB1266) will remain law

Transgender students, and their parents, educators and friends today are both relieved and concerned that that while the California School Success and Opportunity Act (AB 1266), which helps schools better understand how to provide a fair opportunity for transgender students to participate and succeed, failed to qualify for a referendum based on a random count…

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Oregon United for Marriage hits signature milestone

PORTLAND, Ore—On the one-year anniversary of the day same-sex couples could first receive marriage licenses in Washington state, Oregon United for Marriage is announcing that the campaign has collected more than 116,284 signatures, the minimum needed to put the Freedom to Marry and Religious Protection Initiative on the November ballot. The campaign, which began collecting…

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‘Oregon Says I Do’ gathers 37,211 signatures in first 10 days for the ‘Freedom to Marry’ initiative

PORTLAND, Ore. – In just 10 days, volunteers with Oregon Says I Do collected 37,211 signatures for the initiative that would make it legal for same-sex couples to marry in Oregon. Oregon Says I Do is the petition committee dedicated to qualifying the Freedom to Marry and Religious Protection Initiative for the November 2014 ballot….

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