City Council approves LGBT-affirming senior housing in North Park

The San Diego City Council voted 9-0 Tuesday to approve a $7 million loan in order to start construction of an LGBT affirming senior apartment building in North Park. “I’m delighted to move approval,” said Third District Councilmember Todd Gloria, smiling. “It’s ground breaking.” Numerous councilmembers competed to second Gloria’s motion, and Council President Sherri…

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LGBT seniors: What are your needs? Take this survey today

Health Assessment and Research for Communities (HARC), a nonprofit research and evaluation organization, has partnered with the San Diego Human Dignity Foundation and the Alliance Healthcare Foundation to develop a survey about the healthcare experiences of LGBT adults age 50 and older in San Diego County. To take the survey go to The objective…

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Connecting people in need with tomorrow’s technology

Look around, everyone you see is tapping on a smart phone, checking Facebook, posting pictures on Instagram, answering emails, composing documents or looking for new employment and business opportunities. The phenomenon that is the smartphone, tablet or computer is everywhere. Or is it? To many in our underserved communities using a computer, connecting with friends…

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Gobbling the goodies

The decorations of ghosts, goblins and plastic turkeys will soon be replaced by Santa and his elves as is befitting the celebration of the all-important December shopping season. Meanwhile, I hope Thanksgiving Day and its significance will be celebrated among family and friends. Despite a setback or two, the LGBT community should acknowledge and give…

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