Gov. Brown signs Nonbinary Identification Option Bill

SACRAMENTO, Calif. —Gov. Jerry Brown today signed SB 179, legislation authored by Sen. Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) that will create a third gender marker on state-issued identification documents for people who identify as nonbinary or intersex. The bill will also streamline the process for transgender, intersex and nonbinary Californians to obtain identification documents that accurately…

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Gov. Brown signs Toni Atkins’ legislation to help convict sex traffickers and prevent victimization

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Jerry Brown Friday signed SB 230, legislation by Sen. Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) that will allow victims of sex slavery to confront their traffickers in court and help prevent others from being violently abused. Character evidence, which includes evidence of the past acts of a criminal defendant, is generally inadmissible at…

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Gov. Brown signs Toni Atkins’ bill to strengthen San Diego River Conservancy

RAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Jerry Brown Tuesday signed Senate Bill 214, legislation authored by Sen. Toni Atkins that will strengthen the capacity of the San Diego River Conservancy to protect and enhance historic, cultural and natural resources within the watershed along the 52-mile San Diego River. SB 214 builds upon Assembly Bill 392, legislation authored…

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Assembly passes Gender Recognition Act, advancing LGBTQ civil rights in California

SACRAMENTO, Calif. —The California Assembly Wednesday passed SB 179, legislation authored by Sen. Toni Atkins that would create a third gender marker on state-issued identification documents for people who identify as nonbinary or intersex. The bill would also streamline the process for transgender, intersex and nonbinary Californians to obtain identification documents that accurately reflect their…

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Gender Recognition Act and eight other Atkins’ bills advance in the Assembly

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Nine bills authored by Sen. Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) have moved forward in the state Assembly: SB 179, the Gender Recognition Act, has cleared the Assembly Judiciary Committee and has been sent to the Assembly Transportation Committee. The bill creates a third gender marker on state-issued identification documents for people who identify…

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Sen. Toni Atkins to be honored as ‘Legislator of the Year’ by top veterans group

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Department of California, have named state Sen. Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) and Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) “Legislators of the Year” at its annual Legislative Day Reception in Sacramento. “We are proud to recognize these two outstanding legislators,” said VFW, Dept. of California State Adjutant /…

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