‘Testing for Tickets’ is back to encourage HIV testing with free LGBT Pride Festival tickets

Continuing an annual tradition, the AntiViral Research Center (AVRC) at University of California, San Diego is offering 250 free weekend passes to the 2015 San Diego LGBT Pride Festival for persons who undergo free, confidential HIV testing. The program is part of an on-going study to detect early and acute HIV infections in the community….

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Intimate portraits

FilmOut San Diego had their 17th Annual LGBT Film Festival this past weekend. Opening night was full of excitement for the documentary Tab Hunter Confidential. The film has received accolades at several film festivals worldwide so the anticipation was not surprising. The story follows Hunter’s career and how he navigated through the politics of Hollywood…

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New San Diego on-line HIV Resources Guide now available

The HIV Planning Council conducts needs assessments each year amongst those living with or at risk for HIV; and each year one of the primary barriers to receiving care or prevention treatments that emerges is – community members don’t know where to get the resources they need. The San Diego LGBT Community Center is committed…

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