EPN LGBT and allies career event: June 30

SAN DIEGO— Equality Professionals Network (EPN), a coalition that represents lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) business professionals and their allies, will hold their Third Annual LGBT & Allies Career Event Tuesday, June 30, 4:30 p.m., at the San Diego LGBT Community Center, 3909 Centre St, San Diego, CA 92103 in Hillcrest. This free event…

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And then there were 12

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and entrepreneur Donald Trump both announced their entry into the race for the Republican presidential nomination last week, bringing the total number of candidates to an even dozen. The number of characters will eventually shrink like an Agatha Christie murder mystery, but given the candidates still on the sidelines the…

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More than 600 homeless San Diegans secure permanent housing

SAN DIEGO  ̶   PATH, the lead operator of Connections Housing Downtown,  the City-sponsored  one-stop housing and services center for homeless individuals, has released a  report highlighting its successes over the past two years of operations. This nationally recognized model of comprehensive housing, services and street outreach has assisted in permanently housing 651 individuals experiencing homelessness…

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