The Union Tribune and the LGBT community

The San Diego Union Tribune has had a mostly negative relationship with the LGBT community, especially in the 1960s, ’70s and early ’80s, referring to us for a long time as the “homosexual community” and refusing to use the word “gay.” They ran negative articles and editorials, including ugly cartoons. (“Being gay” was not even…

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Life is delicious at Bankers Hill

Tiger, my handsome well-muscled dinner companion, and I visited Bankers Hill Bar and Restaurant one recent balmy evening. We crossed the open-raftered high-ceilinged dining room to our seat at a rough-hewn wooden table on the intimate patio. Sitting beneath the stars on a sultry summer night, we viewed the living wall of bromeliads and ferns,…

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Now for the downers

​Last issue we took on the positives that make a home inviting and desired. This week, we turn to the turn-offs, and this is something every prospective seller should want to know. Remember that buyers spend an average of fifteen minutes in your home, at least the first time around, and when these baddies jump…

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Hot buttons!

As a progressive Christian, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to a loving God; this article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace! In Mark 6:3 we read, “And they took offense at him.” Somebody’s hot buttons were being…

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Pride Health Challenge: Ildifonso’s journey

The Pride Health Challenge contestants have been transforming their lifestyle. As we approach Pride, Metabolic Direct and LGBT Weekly wanted to highlight each contestant’s journey. Below is the third Pride Health Challenge story. Here is Ildifonso’s journey: My journey has not been that unique.  In fact, if you are reading this piece, it is probably…

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10th annual City Heights Giant Puppet Parade Celebration featuring Clark Middle and Rosa Parks Elementary students: July 7

At 8:15 am Tuesday, July 7, San Diego Guild of Puppetry lead artist, Felix Diaz’s whistle will blow, the drum group from Monroe Clark Middle School will set the beat, and rank upon rank of 6th graders will set out on a spirited march to their feeder elementary, Rosa Parks, in their 10th annual, “Welcome…

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