Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals agrees to hear man’s leather kilt case against San Diego Police

PASADENA, Calif.—The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has agreed to hear oral arguments against a lower court’s decision to dismiss a civil rights case brought by Will Walters, a gay man who sued the City of San Diego after police officers deprived him of his constitutionally protected right to equal enforcement of the law. After…

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The City: Top to Bottom

thursday, march 10 Loreena McKennitt In a recording career spanning more than two decades, Loreena McKennitt’s ‘eclectic Celtic’ music has received critical acclaim worldwide, and gold, platinum and multi-platinum sales awards in 15 countries across four continents. To date, she has sold over 14 million albums with a catalogue that includes seven studio recordings, three…

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Life and relationships

As a progressive Christian, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to a loving God; this article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace! I have a pastor friend, Rev. Durrell Watkins, who said everything he ever needed to know…

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New York City luxury in San Diego?

You may think of San Diego as a collection of neighborhoods filled with charming Craftsman bungalows and historic homes. A new entry into the real estate market may indeed change your point of view. The San Diego City Council has approved the development of a 45 story condominium tower called Pacific Gate, which is soon…

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TRUST the details

“Pierce”, sporting a loose V-neck sweater revealing his naturally smooth chest, smiled broadly when I arrived at TRUST. “Nice place,” he said after we were seated, obviously impressed. As a rule I wait 90 days before reviewing a new restaurant because eateries come and go so quickly in the greater gayborhood. I made an exception…

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Terpstra lets reins of Hillcrest Town Council go

Annual Meeting Features Candidates Forum Hillcrest Town Council chair, Luke Terpstra is retiring after cementing the neighborhood organization’s role as an influential voice in San Diego politics and planning policy during the past five years. Widely regarded as a unifying figure amid a personality-rich and passion-charged Hillcrest community, Terpstra’s colleagues say he will be missed…

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