Former Spanish prime minster says gay marriage is his proudest achievement

Former Spanish prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero calls the legalization of gay marriage his proudest achievement since his eight years of service in office. “If I consider the degree of recognition and gratitude I have received, then I think [it would be] the gay marriage law,” Zapatero said according to Spanish newspaper Diario de…

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San Diego gay news

Vandals destroy gay nativity scene in Los Angeles

A gay-inspired nativity scene at a Claremont church outside of Los Angeles was vandalized by criminals over the weekend. Authorities are investigating the incident as a hate crime. Claremont United Methodist Church has displayed unusual nativity scenes thereby known to create controversial presentations, and this year, the nativity scene featured a Christmas gathering along with…

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San Diego lgbt weekly | GAY NEWSNEWS

Update: ‘Sissy’ calendar pulled by Amazon, Barnes & Noble

Cartoonist Joe King released a calendar Wednesday which depicts gay people as ‘sissies’ and ‘sexually confused,’ sparking an outrage amongst LGBT circles. King defends the calendar, noting that the release comes in wake of already distributed material including “reprints of nationally distributed work several years old,” he said. King added via his Facebook page that,…

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Discrimination against gays, lesbians OK in Virginia

RICHMOND, Va. – The Virginia State Board of Social Services has voted for a second time to strip legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation, religion, age, gender, disability, political beliefs and family status from final rules governing licensed adoption and foster care agencies. The board originally voted to strip the protections in April,…

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