Tweets ignite questions about checkered past of DeMaio’s life partner

In a Tweet that may rock the San Diego mayoral election, AFL-CIO of San Diego and Imperial Counties treasurer and CEO, Lorena Gonzalez, last week asked candidate and City Councilman Carl DeMaio, “Is your partner Johnathan Hale a convicted felon?” Gonzalez’ actual Twitter post was “Time for Carl to answer real questions. @Angelonsite: @carldemaio Is…

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Art Showcases coming up at Graffiti Beach

Graffiti Beach continues its Art Showcases every Friday, 6-9 p.m., throughout May. Coming up May 18 are Bret Barrett and Sean Brannan and May 25 experience the work of Mr. Benja. Complimentary craft beer and snacks will be available. Register at Graffiti Beach supports San Diego’s up-and-coming designers and artists in making a living…

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