Nathan Fletcher’s ‘missing years’ raise legitimate questions

Dear editor, Why does Nathan Fletcher pretend he never worked for several years as convicted felon “Duke” Cunningham’s chief in-district assistant? While Cunningham was driving a Rolls Royce, living in a multi-million dollar Rancho Santa Fe mansion, and making only about $175,000 [before taxes] as his only income from his congressional salary, Fletcher turned a…

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Attention parents

The San Diego Unified School District, has announced the following events happening on their campuses in May. For more information on these events and others visit May 25 – Doyle Elementary International Festival, 5-7 p.m., Doyle Elementary School, 3950 Berino Ct. 92122. Open to the public. May 29 – Future Point Loma High students…

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The City: Top to Bottom

thursday, may 24 Antarctic Killer Whales: The Family That Preys Together The killer whale (Orcinus orca) is the top marine predator and perhaps the most widespread vertebrate on Earth, occurring in all the world’s oceans. Hear a discussion on NOAA’s current research in Antarctica, including satellite-tagging killer whales to study movements, observing feeding behaviors and…

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