Are your investments gay-friendly?

The LGBT community is extremely thoughtful and generous in donating to charitable organizations. We give our money and time to issues that personally matter to us. It’s easy to understand which organizations are helping HIV+ people, counseling LGBT youth or fighting for marriage equality. You know that your efforts are going toward important personal beliefs….

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Getting unstuck

A few weeks ago I participated in a community foot-washing service celebrating freedom and justice, and supporting comprehensive immigration reform creating a pathway to citizenship. Jesus is our role model in being active in social justice and advocacy and it felt so right to be there. The words of San Diego Council President, Todd Gloria,…

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Upcoming San Diego nonprofit uses literature as a way to fight racism and strengthen communities.

SAN DIEGO – The San Diego Multicultural LGBT Literary Foundation is a new organization that was started in November 2012. The organization was started by Caleb Rainey and is currently in the process of being incorporated as a nonprofit. The organization’s signature program is a book club that reads one book per month and meets…

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San Diego City Council declares Thursday, April 25 ‘Dining Out For Life® Day’ in the City of San Diego

SAN DIEGO – At the Tuesday, April 23 meeting of the San Diego City Council, Council President Todd Gloria led the effort to proclaim Thursday, April 25, as “Dining Out for Life® San Diego Day” in the City of San Diego. Citing Dining Out for Life® San Diego as “a major community event” and commending…

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