San Diego LGBTQIA groups rally to support trans* students on ‘AB 1266 Day of Decision’ Feb. 24

After a series of legislative and judicial Marriage Equality victories, major anti-LGBT organizations have redirected their efforts away from marriage equality and toward attacking the rights of transgender people. These attacks follow California’s passage of Assembly Bill 1266, the School Success and Opportunity Act. The bill guarantees transgender students equal access to restrooms, locker rooms,…

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San Diego REP to stage slate of world and regional premieres in 2014-2015

SAN DIEGO – San Diego REPertory Theatre (San Diego REP) San Diego REP has announced their Season 39 line-up. Each of the six productions for 2014-2015 in San Diego REP’s 39th season “The Pianist of Willesden Lane,” “Honky,” “Steal Heaven,” “Oedipus El Rey,” “Uncanny Valley,” and “Lifeline: The Music of Harry Nilsson” is brand new…

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Critical Voice LGBT youth coalition hosts self-care health fair: Feb. 23

Critical Voice, a coalition of LGBT teens, will present a health “boot camp” aimed at empowering young people to take charge of their physical, emotional and mental health, Sunday, Feb. 23 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Golden Hill Youth Center, 2220 Broadway in San Diego. Timed to coincide with the emotional turmoil teens…

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Mayor Faulconer will bring back ‘GLBT Board’

One of Mayor-elect Faulconer’s campaign pledges was to bring back the “Community Advisory Boards to the Office of the Mayor”. (Latinos, veterans, Asians, GLBTs, African Americans, etc.) These boards are very important as they keep the mayor in contact and more knowledgeable about our city’s diverse communities and neighborhoods. These mayor’s advisory boards were established…

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‘At the End of the Day’

The lexicon used to describe artists and their creations can be abstruse, elitist and just plain ridiculous. Take, for example, this description of photographer David LaChapelle’s exhibit in Mexico City in 2009 entitled Delirium of Reason from Art Pulse Magazine: “The subjectivity manifest in LaChapelle’s discourse is an artistic response to the new ecology of…

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