San Diego’s new top cop will support LGBT equality

Shelley Zimmerman will support the LGBT community, said the new police chief who was sworn in Tuesday following almost a love fest and praise from residents during her confirmation hearing before the San Diego City Council. Zimmerman, 54, is the first female San Diego Police Chief and is a 31-year veteran. Mayor-Elect Kevin Faulconer nominated…

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USofA Pageants announces San Diego Regional Preliminary of Miss Gay Golden State USofA

SAN DIEGO – USofA pageants will present the inaugural Miss Gay Golden State USofA pageant Sun., March 16 in the Lafayette Hotel’s Mississippi Ballroom. The pageant is open to male drag queens and transsexual female impersonators 21 years of age and older, who will compete in evening gown, personal interview and talent. Miss Gay Golden…

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Nathan Stewart to join EXUSMED™ as advisor

SAN DIEGO, – EXUSMED™, a corporation offering affordable mobile health care solutions for both patients and providers announced today that Dell technology training expert Nathan Stewart has joined the corporation’s Advisory Council. Stewart has had a successful 11 year tenure with Austin-based Dell, Inc. As a technology consultant, Stewart spent the first eight years of…

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Seven points

That is the amount by which David Alvarez lost the mayoral race to Kevin Faulconer. First, the LGBT community did not sell out. It voted overwhelmingly for David Alvarez in the “gayborhoods” of Hillcrest, North Park, University Heights and South Park. Meaning in most precincts Alvarez got more than 70 percent of the vote, just…

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