Vice President Joe Biden to kick off ‘Get Out the Vote’ event for Rep. Peters

Vice President Joe Biden will visit San Diego Saturday, Nov. 1, to kick off a ‘Get Out the Vote’ weekend for Rep. Scott Peters. The vice president will deliver remarks to volunteers and canvassers. The event will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers on Kearny Mesa Road. Rep….

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Of tricks and treats

Halloween and sweets go together like witches and brooms. When I was younger, I anticipated the excitement of trick-or-treating with friends and filling a plastic jack-o-lantern with candy. As a rambunctious teenager, I often participated in unwelcome tricks – mostly of the soaped window and toilet-paper-festooning variety. Today, I still get my fill of treats,…

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Home sweet home

Statistics are fun. This week we’re looking at American preferences for their living quarters, and you may find the results a bit startling. First, the homeownership rate. Our research tells us that the rate of Americans who own their homes is somewhere between 56 percent and 67 percent, with different surveys quoting slightly different rates….

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Hillcrest Business Improvement Association under fire for ‘sham’ hiring process

International photographer and San Diego community activist, David Lundin has a problem with the Hillcrest Business Improvement Association. Actually, Lundin has several problems with HBIA, not least among them what he calls “the sham hiring process” that last summer led to the re-hiring of Benjamin Nicholls as the organization’s executive director. Lundin has asked the…

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